Wednesday, October 14, 2015

SJW Faggots Complaining About Twice's School Uniforms

Oh no, we can't hurt this land whale's feelings through our uniforms!
So I read two different articles here and here about how Twice's uniforms are problematic.

For the Soompi article, the supposed problem is that the uniforms are promoting thinness. Under the NB article, supposedly the school uniforms are being sexualized. God, I hate society.

First, being thin isn't a fucking problem. It's only the disgusting fat lardasses that have a problem with thin people. You see it more often these days with disgusting cows saying "Men love real women with curves." No Shamoo, we like women with good proportions and who take of their body. Just because the only exercise you do is walking your fat ass to the refrigerator, it doesn't give you the right to hate on people who actually take care of themselves.

Then SJW faggots are complaining about the school uniforms being sexualized. You can sexualize anything with good looking girls in! It's nothing new.


  1. Be careful, they might come and eat you.

  2. "You can sexualize anything with good looking girls in" 108% truth.

    1. Ban attractive females. The world will never become Unproblematic if some people are more attractive than others.

  3. "First, being thin isn't a fucking problem. It's only the disgusting fat lardasses that have a problem with thin people. You see it more often these days with disgusting cows saying "Men love real women with curves." No Shamoo, we like women with good proportions and who take (care) of their body. Just because the only exercise you do is walking your fat ass to the refrigerator, it doesn't give you the right to hate on people who actually take care of themselves."

    Preach it, yes! I get sick and tired of hearing fat girls trying to make themselves feel better about being fat by talking down slender girls for being slender or coming up with ridiculous reasons about how they supposedly feel good about their fat selves or how most men supposedly like fat women better. Yeeah, sure. It's not that hard to stay in shape if you got some freaking common sense and a little bit of self-control.

  4. One minute they are complaining about "fat shaming" and then they immediately start thin-shaming: "But she has no curves!", "she isn't a real woman", and ranting about "skinny bitches".

    The hypocrisy is impressive, railing against beauty standards while trying to impose their standards on everyone else.

  5. Coming from a fat person, I don't see a problem with the actual images of the ad at all. The members of Twice all look fantastic. The problem I see is the fact that they're selling "slimming-down" clothes to fucking middle schoolers, especially in a country like Korea where everyone is pretty much at a decent weight naturally.

  6. If those retards stopped complaining and started exercising the world would be a happier place.

  7. I just hate the word "problematic" so much.

    1. Glad I'm not the only one.
      But even worse is "toxic".
      It's like some kind of Newspeak and what Scientology are doing.

  8. The fat acceptance ideology has to be one of the most annoying things that has spawned from the modern "social justice" movement. The sooner people accept being landwhales is equally as bad as being extremely underweight, if not worse, the better.

  9. HanYeSeul Fag is a SJW for trying to force skinny acceptance on me. Dieting is really hard for skinny and not skinny people, so is exercising


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