Tuesday, June 7, 2016


EXID released "L.I.E" and people are complaining about all of the sexual innuendo in the MV. Who cares when the director makes it easier to fap to Hani?

Imagine four years ago you discovered a new ice cream shop that opened up. Hardly anyone knew about them, but you enjoyed the variety of items on the menu. The first year that the ice cream shop opened, they released some new good flavors for people to try. You were a fan and tried getting your friends to try them out, but none of them would listen.

Early in the second year of the shop's existence, they tried something a little different and released some sherbert flavors. You thought it was pretty fucking good, but again, people were ignoring the shop. They had their small, but fiercely loyal customers that kept them afloat, but the shop didn't do much for the next 18 months.

In the summer of their third year, the shop came out with this perfect sundae, as it had the perfect mixture of vanilla and chocolate and they allowed you to customize it a little bit. It rocked your world, but again, no one paid attention. Months later, through a fancam that went viral of a really hot chick eating a sundae, did the shop get the attention you thought they deserved all along.

Three years after you had discovered this shop, things were going well. They were going to make a different version of the sundae that made them famous. You liked it a lot. It was familiar to the sundae you liked from last summer, but it was different enough to eat this sundae several times. Everyone was now jumping on the bandwagon and coming to this shop.

Later in that year in the fall, the shop released a new version of their sundae. As a long time customer, you wanted to try it. It tasted like shit. Not shit as in tasting bad, but literal shit. Sure, it looked aesthetically pleasing, but the chocolate seemed like it was horse shit. However, people were still eating it up.

The weather is getting warmer again, and you went back to the shop to see that they made another version of this sundae. They placed the sundae into a bigger bowl so that it had two cups. One side was "vanilla" and the other side "chocolate", both topped off with cherries and a bunch of whip cream sprayed on the sundae. Sure, it looked like a pair of tits with jizz on it, but the shop was going for the sex marketing. You took a bite and it tasted like horse semen and horse shit.

You vowed to no longer come here, as the shop stopped caring about quality. As long as the product looked aesthetically pleasing, that's all that mattered to them. It didn't matter they were serving horse jizz and shit and expecting people to like it when they were releasing good products. You'll always have fond memories of this shop, but you can't let them take advantage of you any longer. Fuck them and their shitty new releases.


  1. I still missed their I Feel Good and Every Night type of songs and the body they had back then, now they seem way to skinny

  2. Sexual innuendo isn't even anything new in an EXID MV. People are acting like "Up&Down" , "Ah Yeah", and "Hot Pink" were innuendo-free videos. It's some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen. I have no idea for the outrage against this video.

  3. Up and down was easier to miss if you're a really innocent kid who likes balloons and shit.
    Ah yeah and Hot Pink is just so blatant though

  4. How do u think the director explained to hani how to shake the pepper grinder?

    "Pretend it's a BBC or pretend it's a shake weight"

    1. 'Show me what you do to Junsu'

    2. Short and easy to understand. Perfect explanation.

    3. I found this particular part hilarious

  5. And again they escaped with a 15 rating. Amazing.

  6. This song is okay I guess, but yeah their song quality is slowly declining.

  7. Definitely better than Up and Down Version 2, I mean, Ah Yeah as well as Hot Pink but they will never get back to I Feel Good and Every Night level decent. Which is a shame but oh well

  8. What a shitty album it is. If only one (that meh song we didn't ask for from dasoni) is one of the highlights... This is shit but not as bad as hot pink. That was some next level awful.

  9. Awful song on an awful album.

  10. I actually thought "Nyam Nyam Jjeop Jjeop" on their album was fantastic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0pqwW_9MC0

  11. I thought this song was a total mess, I can't see myself listening to it again. But at least it wasn't worse than Hot Pink.

  12. But you can still look at the pretty pictures of the ice cream online!

  13. This song's a guilty pleasure for me. I know it's not as good as "Up &Down", "Every Night", "I Feel Good" etc., but it somehow reminds me of 2NE1's "Go Away", which I will always have a soft spot for. :/

  14. 2 shit songs in a row, fuck exid but don't listen to their music.

  15. I'm sad too. I loved their old songs too much.

    They were probably too busy fapping to Hani (LE included, she's been producing the songs a lot) to make decent songs. Cut them some slack, AKP - fapping does weird things sometimes.


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