Wednesday, June 8, 2016

[MV Review] EXO - Monster

EXO released "Monster" and I had to see if the teaser was a complete lie. If you liked the teaser, you're in for a treat.

When the song first started, I thought this was SM's rendition of YG's bullshit. The beginning of the song gives a false sense that "Monster" will be a yolo-swag trap fagfest as often put out by Big Bang and the like, but the chorus kicks in and song starts rocking. I didn't even think I'd ever say it, but here goes:

I like an EXO song.

There's only one thing I'd change about the song. The bridge before the rap needs to go. It slows the song when the song should be ramping up. The rap section does well at doing this. Hell, even the rap is good for idol standards (and like I've been saying a lot lately, thank God the rap sections are being contained in one longer section than appearing everywhere throughout the song). The dude didn't rap fast for yolo swag shit, but he was actually matching the increasingly faster beat. Usually too many idol rappers think that fast rapping is jjangbak without realizing they sound awful without going along with the beat.

While the song is good, I like the concept of the MV. These guys don't look like fucking fairies, so I can watch the MV without feeling like I need to attend a LGBTQOPJHRBSA (whatever the fuck they call it these days) event while donning a dress.

The concept of the MV deals with EXO rioting and fighting the man. However, with very little story to the MV, we don't know why they are rioting. Leave it to EXO-L's to come up with some whacky-ass reason for everything in the MV.

Here's my made-up bullshit:

The EXO members are rioting against the Korean netizens who have to bring up the Chinese defectors each and every time. The other members know that the lone Chinese guy left in the group (Lay) brings up up their visual game by over 9,000 and without him they'd look like they would belong in Akdong Musician. The Korean members are rioting to keep the Korean netizens in line so that Lay doesn't defect from the group. They even came out with a good song to make sure he doesn't feel like he's wasting his time promoting garbage like "Wolf" any longer.


  1. Have no fear, EXO-L have toiled endlessly to decipher the multivalent symbolism behind this comeback. http://onehallyu.com/topic/338264-exactos/
    By the looks of it, "Ex'act" seems to refer to the Latin word "exactos", which can mean driven out, expelled, or finished. The name paired with the number 3 on the album cover is a clear dig at the Chinese defectors. The name of their last full album "Exodus" is pretty obviously too. I predict their future albums will follow this pattern, with possibilities being "Excludo" (to shut out, exclude), "Expello" (to expel, force out, banish) "Exsilium" (exile, banishment), and "Exturbo" (to drive away, thrust out). That'll make those Chinese traitors regret all those movie and CF offers they received after leaving SM.

    Oh and "Monster" is great. We see Suho hittin the dab at 1:20 and get to experience an epileptic seizure shortly after.

  2. I was half expecting Exo to pull a bait and switch with their teaser and give us some cringy as fuck yolosweg bullshit, but they didn't and so I am impressed.

  3. the leaked demo of the song was actually pretty nice, so i was anticipating. although exo is one of the few boygroups i listen to (considering i mostly stan girlgroups) even if i can't tell them apart properly without reference (although that's how i am with the boygroups i do like, excluding my favorites, of course)

  4. Sehun is being a c-block, blocking the flow of chanyeol's rapping and hotness. Those are both big no no's for me.

  5. They needed the rap because what would Sehun do otherwise

    1. He could just stand around and take photos and upload them to his insta, would just just as entertaining. His interrupting chanyeol is this song's main buzzkill.

    2. Besides, take photos and upload them to insta is how, he does that as him interacting with his fans.

    3. The point I am trying to make, although done so elaborately, is that I think his rapping is bad. It doesn't sound pleasant.

  6. I never thought I'll say this but exo has a song of the year. only flaw is Sehun who is male equivalent of Yoona, equally useless, talent less and uninteresting. also, omg how many people had to be kicked out for Suho to actually be in MV. worth all the wait thou.

    1. who got kicked out? but Sehun has good looks.

  7. what i love more than the song itself is seeing how much they have improved.it's hard to think how they can't, considering how much they practice

  8. I thought I was only one who thought that about lay. The minute he bounce im out. No more exo.

  9. Lay is the hottest exo dude, it's a fact. I can kinda get why people stan Sehun, Kai, Suho or even D.O. but Lay is way better, come on. Chanyeol and Beakhyun though, why are they even popular for their looks? Chanyeol is meh and Beakhyun looks like a living anime which is creepy as hell.

    Anyway the song is good. Best exo song without a doubt.

    1. I agree absolutely. Althought I don't get why people stan Sehun also. He has one facial expression and is boring as hell. Baekhyun eather looks ugly or like a girl. There's no inbetween

    2. i admit i have a bit of a difficulty telling male groupmembers apart sometimes, but yeah, i agree, lay is hot

  10. Of course... after a few members left, what should they be doing? Sorry, I'm so emotional right now.

  11. This is their best title track since "Overdose." Also, yay Suho!

  12. if the only way you know how to review a kpop song is to say that its not a 'fagfest' and that the members aren't 'fairies' (assuming you meant they weren't feminine) and by being plain homophobic and transphobic then what's your opinion really worth? Learn how to critic a song properly and maybe you'll get more attention


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