Sunday, August 7, 2016

PSA: Reduced Posting for the Rest of the Year

It's that time of the year when I basically have to disappear from AKF for the next four months. I will be traveling for work for half of that time (that I know of, could be up to three months once my schedule is settled). I'll still have articles coming out every week (and I even have a series of posts planned that will cover every day in October), but expect the overall activity level on the site to reduce a lot. I know suho_ftw and kalliope start the fall semester for college soon as well, so they probably won't be posting as much either.

I expect to return full time (as opposed to writing short scheduled articles with days-old news) at the end of December when I'm on vacation, but that will be short-lived as I go into the spring busy season.

I guess me being gone for half the year every year is better than closing the site. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  1. I'm moving across the country to start a new life in two weeks. I may still be able to post, but it is uncertain. A least with this move (as opposed to the last which was drastic and mere necessity) stability is faaaar more certain. It has been a very transitional year but things should begin to stabilize, which will mean either more regular capacity to keep up with the scene and contribute, or almost none. Time will reveal these secrets. I think most young adult Americans are in similar ambiguity of fates. We're all just trying to work our hustle in a fucked up time and seeing where it goes.

  2. Best wishes to the both of you.

  3. " I know suho_ftw and kalliope start the fall semester for college soon as well"

    Damn I always forgot 99% of kpoppers are young fetus

  4. This IS better than closing the site.

  5. This IS better than closing the site.


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