Sunday, May 1, 2011

Heroes is over

The show had its moments, but for the most part it was mediocre. Why did I watch 40 episodes of a mediocre show? Eyecandy. Just not a good weekend for me with variety shows. 100/100 is going in the wrong direction, Song Joongki filmed his last episode of Running Man, and Heroes is over. Maybe I should start watching 1 Night 2 Days and/or Infinity Challenge again.


  1. Why do act as if Joongki leaving is a bad thing?

  2. As long as they don't break up the Monday couple I could really care less.

  3. Was joongki the sole reason you watched Running Man?

  4. I like the original cast. Even though Joongki was the most dispensable member out of the cast, he was still an original member.

  5. Joongki was the last reason I watched Running Man. It just sucks when any original cast member leaves.

  6. the same three variety shows i watch... but yeah, heroes and 100/100 started experimenting and it went wrong. sad.


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