Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why does f(x) keep winning?

Why? I like Lachata more than that piece of crap Pinocchio they're promoting, and I thought Lachata was their worst song until now. Oh well, back to capsule for me until a Kpop group releases a song I like.


  1. You listen to capsule ?! :D I listen to them too :3

  2. I need to stop listening to so much capsule I feel like a stoner later on.

  3. That copy-pasta song that they bought needs to be purged from the earth with fire. To say they are winning for such a poorly-composed song is an abomination.

  4. i miss chu. at least thats a sound effect title that makes sense

  5. Why DO they keep winning!!
    The song sucks compared to Nu ABO, and Nu ABO didnt receive this much attention.

  6. Why do they keep winning ? Because SM keeps buying them awards, simple as that

  7. The fact that even f(x) can win awards shows how low music shows' standarts are now.
    I mean, f(x)'s songs are crap, they are not elaborate, are meaningless, there is no musicality, it sounds so generic, lyrics are random, unoriginal and sometimes they don't even make sense and yet f(x) are still winning eventhough their opponents's songs are much better (and it says a lot about f(x)'s level of shittyness because their opponents' songs aren't even that good). Something is definitely wrong with this whole awards system...

  8. ive noticed that everytime vic starts singing the song sounds all chinese

  9. dude, it's all based on popularity and has nothing on how good the song actually is.

    proof: bonamana won like 4 times.

  10. Proof that f(x) and SuJu fail. And yes, Vocaloid is better than those two groups of idiots.

  11. Sorry but lee soo man has enough money to buy the charts and awards for them

  12. i had that exact same question! it must be a popularity vote because those songs cant be that good! or maybe i am just tone deaf...

  13. personally, i quite like f(x) and a lot of ppl do too.


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