Thursday, September 25, 2014

I know who the other crayon pop subunit member is

 So there's going to be a Crayon Pop sub-unit and today 50% of it was revealed when Choa said:
“Ta-da! I can reveal that the first member of the Crayon Pop subunit is me, ChoA! We have been working very hard on the new subunit album. Please expect a lot! Who do you think the next member will be? That will be revealed tomorrow!”
While I'm legally obligated to keep a secret until tomorrow when it's officially revealed I can give you this clue. Her name starts with 'W' and ends in 'Y'. Well, now that's official I can tell you it's way Way. In case you couldn't figure it out from my hint.
I actually hope it's Soyul to be honest.


  1. I wouldn't mind a duo like the Japanese W.

  2. Psycho-lesbian-incestuous concept; a dream come true

  3. Meh. I don't see the point of a sub-unit for Crayon Pop. They're just going to do the same thing as the normal five-member group does. That's not what sub-units are for.

    1. Or even worse... a ballad. Ugh.
      Only way this works is if it's a sexy concept or gangster concept.

      Also I hope Gummi is the other member. She looks great blonde. Don't let it go to waste chrome CEO.

    2. It'll be Way and Choa. And it'll be a ballad. They were already TRYING this with those two -- but the song they recorded turned out to be plagiarised. Whoops.

      --Andrew S.

    3. I feel the same way. This is so unnecessary.

  4. It's Ellin with a Way wig on.
    Mark my words.

    This isn't as weird as the Spica subunit, but it's just as unnecessary.


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