Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lee Jia is a skank

Married to Seo Taeji, but is dating Jung Woo Sung.



  1. Jung Woo Sung deserves better. He's such a good actor :(

  2. but at least she's hot

  3. Bitches just jelly cause she's bangin that hottie and y'all are sitting behind a computer fappin to that fugly Qri.

  4. Ok, really, the term "jelly" to mean "jealous" is just lame. It's worse than lame.

    How does this make Lee Jia a skank? If dude can't perform, chicks gonna find a better dick. Anybody who believes in the "sanctity" of marriage anymore is more delusional than kpop fangirls.

  5. Someone's butthurt I called lee Jia a skank. :P Psst. It's to bring out haters lol.

  6. ^chill bro, jelly is just fine when used in the context of troll bait, and i find the above example somewhat appropriate.

  7. Yeah, but jelly is food. Makes no sense.

  8. LOL the notion of claiming others are jealous over everyone is retarded. For one I respect and admire Seo Taiji and Jung Woo Sung. Woo Sung is an awesome actor. And Jia? Why would anyone be jealous of her when there's Shin Se Kyung? Now that is something I can admit to jealousy. Jonghyuns fucking Shin Se Kyung. That's mad awesome and I respect and envy this banging couple.

  9. "jelly is food. makes no sense"
    "claiming others are jealous over everyone is retarded."

    Exactly. Thus calling people jelly makes for very successful trolling. If it pisses you off, mission accomplished.

  10. Lee Jia is fugly. She's obviously part of some donation drive cuz that bitch looks busted.

  11. ^^Very well said.
    She better fucking stop banging Jung Woosung or I'll throw dicks at her fucking face.

  12. Fukn shit. She was divorced long ago. Stupid small-penised korean men bias.


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