Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Teddy Riley is butthurt about Rania

So someone told Teddy Riley, "Rania has good vocals but don't try to make kpop look/sound sexy/slutty thats why some people dislike american music =^-^=" to which he responded, "Now who the f r u? Korea needs a change in your kpop music and if you don't like it go f off."

Is he a fucking idiot? Korea isn't like America where you can look like a transvestite and dance sluttier than strippers and still make money. Korea is a stricter place than America. It has been for a long time, and one bad K-pop group won't change that.

Teddy Riley is probably butt hurt because he failed to realize he just sucks dick at making music and can't seem to grasp the idea that his group isn't doing as good as he thinks they are.

Suck it up and stop hating on fans with opinions. K-pop groups are dependent on fans, but apparently Teddy Riley and Rania are good enough not to rely on fans to buy his shit. He thinks Rania can make it based on slutty outfits and dances with shit songs. He is almost as delusional and asinine as the k-pop fangirls.


  1. Haha, does he realize how public twitter is? Especially in an internet-dependent place like Korea. You don't just go around telling people to F-off. You don't come off gangster, you just come off as a hater of Korean culture, and that gets people grabbing their pitchforks. Jay Park already had his share of that, so if he wants to keep working with Jay he better learn to shut his mouth.

    Getting a bunch of foreign girls to be skanky while lipsyncing a shit song didn't work? Oh noes! Money doesn't come easy! F-off everyone!

  2. he sounds like a dick. like people need any more reasons to hate/make fun of blacks

  3. Hopefully his comments will mean the end of Rania...

  4. lol. i hate on blacks too man. I'm just lookin in the crayon box. they just chillin in the corner. then I'm like stay mad blacks I'm only using you to color in the hair on my pictures. Yo they be mad pissed though.

  5. Well to be fair, H.O.T used the word 'nigger' multiple times on official songs. Teddie comes as quite childish; he obviously can't take criticism.

  6. ugh he is so annoying - how could he say that to a fan ?! she was just trying to protect her idol from the scandals that type of song could create in the korean public's eye

  7. producers like Teddy are egotistical fucks

  8. Alright Teddy imma just say it, the song was not good, it was a simple beat with simple lyrics and what do you get? A simple song, now throw some women flopping around with pelvises flying all over the place and think that makes it better? I love me some women but theres a difference between trashy and sexy. T-ara i go crazy because of you = sexy, Beyonce = sexy, Jessica alba= sexy, Ke$ha = trashy, Lindsey Lohan = trashy, i think you got the idea here. The same was simple with no real vocals, the outfits and bodies were good lol not gonna lie, the dancing = trashy not sexy thats why you getting the backlash that your getting. Masquerade song too = garbage, you definitely need to get back into the lab and figure some things out.

  9. I hate it when some people detest their own country. So annoying.


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