Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hearing Problems - 4minute and G-Dragon Reviews

It can't be just a coincidence that I have developed some temporary hearing problems after trying to review these two pieces of shit. I know that I make jokes saying that some idol songs are harmful because they suck that much ass, but having two super shitty songs coming out so close to each other has given me some slight hearing problems, which is why I have yet to review the other songs/MVs yet. Now, let's go into what elements in each of these pieces of shit that may have caused my hearing loss.

In G Dragon's awful song, the first offense is that this song sounds like it could be from 2008 with that annoying bass. It's way too loud, but at least it distracts from the schizophrenic tune of the song. It's as if GD (or whoever composed this vile piece of "music") chose four annoying sounds to repeat throughout the song just to piss me off. Do you remember Rania's Dr. Feel Good? That "robot orgasm scream" that starts around 0:08 gave me a headache, and GD's MichiGo has a similar sound throughout, giving me a headache while listening to this shit.

You all know how I feel about GD's rapping. It's like surprise anal sex for the ear. The shit is painful every time I suddenly hear his voice and shitty rhymes, though I probably should be used to it by now.

Onto 4minute, I had planned on reviewing this song when it came out, but it's just so awful that I didn't want to have to listen to it for a second time in order to review it (I always watch a music video at least twice before reviewing.) Imagine getting your dick nailed to the floor while inserting your head into a horse's ass after it had diarrhea while the Hulk is fisting you up the ass. That's what this song is. This is another mashup song, though unlike T-ara N4's song, I didn't find any individual track in What's Your Name to be enjoyable. It's as if Cube took a blender and put in five disgusting pieces of shit to create Shitzilla, aka What's Your Name.

The MV is an eyesore, wearing shit that would even look ridiculous on 2NE1. Gayoon was the only member who looked good in the MV to me. The zombie shit was unnecessary and didn't even make sense in the MV. At least T-ara's Lovey Dovey Zombie MV was centered around zombies, while the director of this MV was just trying to spice things up, seeing as the rest of the MV is garbage and the song is the second coming of Stalin.

All in all, these two songs were by far the worst that came out in the past 2-4 weeks. Luckily there are other songs out there that are actually enjoyable to listen to and I'll get around to those MV reviews. In the meantime, I need to rest my ears a bit after Shitzilla filled my ears with a torrent of diarrhea.


  1. Domino is freakin' awesome, but it's the only good track. And it's at the end, so it took me a long time to actually bother to listen to it properly. I mean, how deep into diarrhea are you willing to dig for a piece of fine chocolate?

    1. i like your username let's be chingus

  2. Hey now, Brave Brothers crafted that Shitzilla. Cube composers are actually talented.

    1. That's a shame, because Brave Brothers was finally starting to make good music again before Shitzilla.

    2. can someone please explain to me why a single person calls himself "brave brothers"?

    3. I think there actually used to be two of them, one left and the remaining one kept the name.

    4. he also calls himself Brave Sound or refers to this, depending on the song,,usually Sistar songs he goes by that name

  3. The first few seconds of that 4Minute song sounded kinda cool, but then the autotune cancer kicked in.

  4. I love how hard he tries to make his music video interesting but comes out a bottom of the pile Lady Gaga reject.

  5. I will never understand why they went with wat churr name for the title track when the rest of their mini is... well, it's not great but anything is better than that, really.

  6. The more GD riding the pretentious cock to demise (I strongly believe all the shit he does is part of his idea too if not completely), the more I'm not here for it. Someone give him a Snickers already. 4Minute's music are usually never that great yet I liked their past work, but this one,...Brave Brothers can put this one back in his ass. lol He gotta be trolling. 4Minute is one of those groups that I like to listen to once in a while, like on a Sunday afternoon when nothing else is going on, but Shitzilla ruined it for me. It gonna take a while or a new mediocre yet tolerable single for me to forgive them.

  7. "Michi GO" makes "What's Your Name?" sound and look almost good. I would definitely pick the latter if I was forced to choose between the two.

  8. I don't understand how "What's Your Name?" is even charting, it's so fucking terrible. I was surprised to see it doing relatively well... Secret's song is a POS too but at least it's got substance to it, not just some drum beat and 5 girls whining in auto tune.

  9. ugh, G-Dragon questions me the same as 2ne1, how did they even get famous? There is barely anything special in his voice/raps, the only thing that saves him is either good tune/ good MV. The concept is even similar to Crayon, though I have to admit Crayon has a quite entertaining MV.

  10. Annnnddddd ignorant fangirls of GD will still somehow dig this shit.

  11. I'm not even a G-Dragon fan but I loved Michi-Go! I think it's one of his best songs tbh. Now as for 4minute, that shit is bad, and I'm a 4nia and all. I didn't even listen to the rest of the mini because of how horrible the title track was...

  12. Gimme 4Minute's Jap songs like Ready Go and Why anytime over these two pieces of sheeyet.

  13. This is GD's 3rd offensive shitacular song he has release since he's been out of BB doing solo promos. He can't be stop, his pooh-tacular music will be global and your ears will need diapers

    4minute what a disappointment, they were doing so good with Volume Up and its like Cube said "fuck it", smh

  14. Jealous people like you and the rest of the anti-GD commenter will only hate no matter how good his voice and him. while he making money, yal probably cleaning bathroom just to buy yourself chicken nuggets lol.


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