Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Infinite's Paradise MV

First thing is first. Why would the director make a girl wear a short skirt (I think it's a skirt but may be really short shorts) and have a guy laying on the floor to sing? Honestly, if it were me, I'd be staring between the girls legs instead of singing and looking at the camera, but that's just me.

Also, I just learned that Infinite is a co-ed group. Just goes to show how much I pay attention to these guys. When I heard a girl's voice show up in the song I was thrown a curveball there.

Aside from all of this, this MV is really underwhelming. They half-assed a story MV just showing a girl walking around her house. What the fuck was the point of the trains? Infinite are the supposed "Dancing Gods" yet there's no dancing.

The song is good though the rap is really unneeded. Come on Kpop, can't we have one idol song without some damn rapping. At least the rap is only ten seconds long, but come the fuck on.

A little off tangent, but isn't this Infinite's 4th title track of the year? Woollim is whoring out these guys since they don't have Epik High to make 99% of their income anymore.


  1. Clearly you didn't think hard enough or even tried to understand the mv, so I'll leave it at that...
    Also, there is dancing, just not in the mv. Rap? has a good meaning to it, but I won't say anything about that because that's your preference. Don't really see much point of this post...tbh. But you liked the song, so its all good xD

  2. I didn't watch the MV or listen to the song because I'm not ghey. But now that you mentioned short skirts and legs... and the fact that it's a co-ed group...

    I'm am seriously rethinking my decisions.

  3. LOL @ the co-ed comment!! Omg.

  4. Boring ass MV gets a boring ass article from me. There was nothing to it. This was mainly posted for you guys to talk about the song/MV if you wanted. Doesn't matter if the rap has good meaning if it's bad.

    Don't worry, the other reviews will be better since the MVs aren't as bland as fuck. You can only work with what you're given, and Infinite didn't give shit.

  5. Alright, I admit. I only clicked on the vid because I got curious when you said they were a co-ed group (which I hand't known before). Otherwise, I wouldn't give this fuckers any time of my day.

    Anyway, curiosity satisfied. They're back to being irrelevant nugus in my list. Thanks, AKF!

  6. I'm surprised you actually liked this song (sans the rapping). I found this one less awesome than most of their other songs.

    It really was a pointless MV though. Too bad. They deserve a lot more I think. Or at least some form of quality.

    On a scale of 1 to terrible, this ranks at about 8 for me along with their previous MV, "Be Mine".

    At least the girl's shoes were cute.

  7. I really like their music, although Dashi Dorawa imo will forever be the best song of theirs because that shit is the jam. I actually liked the MV, it had a depressing feel, the boys looked good, and the song is one of the better idol ballads I've heard (keep in mind I said idol).

    Besides I think it was just a thank you mv anyways. I really like their music, too bad their personalities are bland as fuck. Still higher quality than SM shit (mostly the horror that was Acha- no one wants to see guys in their mid twenties to almost 30 sing some fucking OMG shit korean style in random fug clothes and bad hair).

  8. On an unrelated note, are you guys going to review A-Cha?

  9. *typical fangirl here*
    OHMAYGOSH! the boys are so handsome. :)

  10. I totally agree about the girl voice. That guy totally mindfucked me. Also in 'before the dawn' I thought a girl was singing in the background. O_____O

  11. Came across this blog today, and just thought i'd leave my opinion here.
    You authors are honestly childish, you try to "judge" everything in a smart way by acting like know it alls but ultimately, you just sound stupid.
    How can anyone take any of this blog seriously if you're obviously some loser who can't get any; which leads you to talk about how you'd love to do half the kpop chicks. Not only that, you talk crap about other guys who obviously have better looks then you, blatant jealousy?
    Your reviews aren't written from a "consumer's" point of view but instead you act as if you're some music critic. Sorry but if you know even a tiny bit about writing, writing as if you have qualifications to judge and critic to persuade only work if you actually have qualifications/ otherwise you come across as a jack ass.

  12. ^ The fact that you think this blog is meant to be taken seriously already invalidates the rest of your wall of text.

    Good job moron!

  13. Stop reviewing MVs from irrelevant and shitty groups, FFS.
    ^ is this guy being serious?

  14. @2:02 lol. this site is for shits and giggles.
    you're the jackass if you're stupid enough to take this blog seriously.

  15. @3:38
    By shitty groups, I mean guy groups.

  16. Infinite can do perfectly without the rap in 'Paradise'. Both their rappers are quite capable as vocalists.

    And technically, 'Paradise' would be Infinite's 5th promotional song this year - after BTD, Nothing's Over, Can U Smile and Be Mine.

  17. i like infinite but the mv really disappointed me
    but the song is good

  18. I like the song and the MV is sufficiently depressing to go along with the theme in my opinion. But I'm thinking Woollim may be actually trying to kill them with all the promoting they've done this year.

  19. lol, they're hot. but that's just about it.

    The MV does make sense, but only when you watch it with the lyrics. It's pretty simple.

    The song doesn't quite live up to their other promotional songs, and the MV is pretty bland, yeah.

    Although i didn't expect them to be promoting pretty much the entire year (BtD Dec-Feb; Nothing's over Mar-April; Can u smile May; Be mine Aug-Sept)

    lol take a break guis >.>

  20. ^ Actually they started promoting Be Mine at the end of July

  21. no dancing, so?
    it's kinda refreshing, we get to hear their vocals and stuff.
    the song is great, i dunno but sweettune's songs are totally my kind of music.

    i hope the rappers got to sing more so the girl can shut up.

  22. Eye candy *___*
    Maybe boring for you guys but still the boys looked hot, and the song is good. I prefer this more than Mr.Simple.

  23. thank god someone thinks the mv was so boring!! infinite are gaining a lot of fans..and obviously most of them think its one of the best mv's out there....i feel infinite is on its way to become one of the overrated grps..who,even if they release a completely bland,boring mv and song, the fans are gng to praise it to the skies.

  24. ^ this fan here won't.

    i try to judge fairly :)

  25. Watch them perform the song and all I can say is there's alot of hip thrusting.

  26. I tried to like infinite's music and it didnt do it for me. I only like their debut song, and before the dawn was ehh. I usually give every group a try and i did the same with this group but nothing. I'll keep an eye on them but so far, blehh.

  27. This MV was kinda of put together last moment for the fans as a thank you present for winning their first award, just as the entire Repackaged album was. Personally I wasn't expecting much from the MV because it was rushed, but I don't think they did a terrible job with what they were given. I also think it was refreshing that they didn't do a dance for once. It helped us get a better sense for their great vocals. I know this is an anti-kpop blog, but I really wish the comments weren't so douchey ^^;; and I do agree that rapping is a little excessive in kpop... oh well....

  28. pfftt. did all of u fucking never heard man's voice like girl's? fucking weird asshole.

  29. im sorry that ur to stupid to understand the mv's point “They boys are dead and are on their way to the “other” side with the train. The girl is covering the furniture and will leave the place where they used to live but the boys want her to stay cause they can’t let her go. They want the girl to stay .. she needs to stay to be their paradise.
    They are trying to promise her that they will do better. Looking at the phrase: “I need to live” means for me that they want to live in order not to loose her but they can’t stop it. “I need to endure it, since it’ll stop soon” means that the girl will forgot them soon since she’s moving on and they know that they have to endure it but they won’t.
    At the end of the MV the girl is about to leave. L is looking after her with pain. After one last look behind she goes and the boys are left … alone.“ and about the girl voice thing u said.... im so sorry that all od them have better voices than u ^^

  30. really? do you even know what the lyrics mean? maybe all of you should get your ears checked if you think the song is crap. its deeper and more meaningful but people don't take time to think. the girl is their love and without her, its not paradise. they want her to stay, but she wants to leave. in the end however, she leaves and the train takes them on a different path. was this too hard for you to digest?

  31. Truthfully, this just shows how refined you are. From the way you critic and comment. Hahs. What a joke.

    If you were a critic and truly appreciate music, your comments would be different. You don't know how difficult it is to write and come up with new songs. Yes, people do run out of ideas, hence the song may not be as pleasant as expected, but your criticisms just shows how childlike you are.

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