Wednesday, November 6, 2013

[MV Review] miss A - Hush

This video accurately depicts the song. Full review after the jump.

I was lucky to have no expectations for the song. To me, E Tribe are the definition of one-hit wonder. Sure, people liked Gee, but what have they done since then? They've just produced song after song that nobody really cares about. To be brutally honest, I expected this song to suck, but it surpassed my expectations. It really fucking sucks. It's a shame, because this is the first miss A title track that I would advise for people to avoid at all costs.

Look at the backgrounds when the MV starts. Sure, it's hard since "___ is so pretty/cute/sexy/iku iku-inducing fapworthy", but just look. It represents the filth that this song is. It's a foreboding that you should either mute the fucking music video or exit it right now.

The song starts off with a slow beat with Min singing while the other girls are groping her tits. It's slowly building up and it's starting to sound nice. Even Suzy the fat whore's part sounded good right after. Then the chorus comes in...and yeah. This is really the highest point of the song, and there's still more than two minutes left. Get ready for a long, depressing two minutes as you stare at the clock, waiting for 3:35 to come as quickly as possible.

Fei's and Jia's parts are where the songs loses me, because I felt the song lost all of it's momentum, and I was quickly becoming bored. The chorus doesn't save it afterwards, and the bridge is a major letdown. The rest of the song continues its downward spiral before the ending just comes out of nowhere. This is the second time I have watched this MV and I'm still confused when I listen to the song.

Some individual parts of the song may sound good, but when putting all of the pieces together, it sounds like a jumbled mess with no structure. This feels like a demo track, since the whole track screams 'half produced piece of shit'. The song never builds up at all, which is the songs major flaw. It builds up to the chorus and dies off, before building up to the chorus, before falling off the edge even further with the bridge, before ending on a whimper with the ending of the song. I cannot think of any positives for the song except that there was no idol rapping in the song. However, this song may have actually benefited from some idol rapping, as that would have added some much needed energy to this bland song.

JYP, you UCAAD, don't outsource miss A's music next time.

Here, enjoy this short video of Lee Da Hee. We need something bright after experiencing this gloomy piece of shit.


  1. Replies
    1. wanna say FUCK U :)

    2. Just because this shit bitch says its lousy. Everybody here said its lousy. I shit on all of you. Miss A rocks.

    3. Just because this shit bitch says its lousy. Everybody here said its lousy. I shit on all of you. Miss A rocks.

  2. It's really not that bad as you said it is (though I had a good laugh on the SP shitty stuff)

    When I listened to the song I remember what Infamist said about pop song having its chorus as a king, and how that one song is "democratized" I think. I absolutely have no idea where their chorus started from when I first listened, it's just a constant build up with about no break down. If you ask me what can I remember from the song after listening the first time, I would just say I don't fucking know, it has almost no hook to it (much like Busker2's I'd say).

    It's not bad, it's not good, it's just .. bleh.

    Quite a disappointment, since I really liked "I don't need a man", shit was super catchy

  3. Yep. First time I've been disappointed with a miss A title track. At least they look hot and I'm sure the live performance will be great shame about the song tho. Let's hope the album's good...
    Btw why did JYP abandon miss A? I mean it's been a good year (regarding composing) for him: '24 hours' and 'A.D.T.O.Y.' were both excellent.

  4. It's not THAT bad but it's pretty bad. I kept waiting for another beat to kick in b/c it sounded like it was building up to some old fashioned in ur face dancing and singing that I originally loved Miss A for but that added beat never happened. Where's the sassy energetic Miss A I fell in love with? The choreography gives me the impression that the choreographer knew the song was lackluster but tried to add energy with the movement and it worked but it just wasn't enough. I want to like this song SO BAD but it is boring. :(

  5. dont know if its missing a drum n bass but it feels like the beat never truly drops in so the song ended up sucky as shit.
    how suzy is a goddess still is a mystery to me.

    and a show of apprectiation for goddess lee yeon hee. i will miss cyclops tho.

  6. it's like my browser took your suggestion to heart bc after the first chorus it muted by itself and i can't get the sound on just this page back on :b

    it's sad bc miss a are so consistently good

  7. The song does pick up towards the end, but it comes much too late. The "give it to me oh" and "come to me" lines also sound awkward as hell. The rest of the song could have been pure genius and I still would have cringed when they sang those lines.

  8. I actually like this song, though I definitely understand the "half produced" comment. I, too, was waiting for the that never dropped.

    However, in a year fully of shitty, shitty releases, both by awful newbies and groups that I actually had hope for, it's a goddamn Godsend that I even like this song in the first place. So I'm gonna stick with it for a bit, until I inevitably grow bored with it.

    Also Fei makes anything fierce I mean look at her

  9. I think this is the first MV that actually has more Fei in it, so I will rewatch the video until I get used to the song. lol. Am I the only one who thinks the song ends abruptly?

    1. Same here. I was waiting for it to "blow up" in the end and suddenly it was over :D

  10. Sometimes I feel like the only one not caring about who writes what kind of songs. I don't even remember any of the writers' names !
    Looking at the wikipedia page of E-Tribe, these are the songs I remember:
    SNSD - Gee; D'uh, obviously.
    SNSD - Be happy; Stupid, but acceptably ok.
    T-ara - Yayaya; I know you don't like it, AKF, but I think it's an enjoyable 7/10.
    Dal Shabet - Supa dupa diva; Not bad, you just have to accept it's beyond retardation, yet so catchy.

    I love Dal Shabet's Have, don't have, but it seems that was written by somebody else.

    1. Oh, as for the miss A song; it's pretty much just 3 minutes of build-up, but nothing happens.
      Kinda funny, since the MV is also just cock-teasing.

      A quick google search of E-TRIBE and this abomination was spewed upon my screen. I'm a fan of DS, but I had no idea this anti-christ of a song existed. Jesus-titty-fucking-Christ, I need to go drown myself in holy water after watching that.
      This makes YaYaYa sound like a masterpiece.

    3. Yeah, except for Supa dupa diva and Have, don't have, I think DS songs have been complete shit. lol

    4. Bling Bling is the poor man's Be Happy. Hey, look on the bright side, at least every Dal Shabet song sounds great in comparison to this shit.

  11. "JYP, you UCAAD, don't outsource miss A's music next time."

    Regardless of one's opinion on the song (I kinda liked it, but I can see why others wouldn't), I can't agree with this. I think JYP's micromanagement and ultra-hands-on approach to his groups, is probably one of his company's biggest weaknesses. It gives the group little room to grow and gets them all stuck with a very similar sound. While it wouldn't hurt to be a bit choosier in picking who he outsources the group's tracks to (this song isn't really title track material), I don't think he should forgo outsourcing in the future.

  12. Come on, JYP... why u gotta use Etribe???
    Tbh, ive never been disappointed with a Miss A comeback ever... till now.

    The video was ok, the choreo was boring in the first choreo. But I liked how they kinda remade bggg on the 2nd chorus.
    But the song... idk. Ive listened to it atlest 10 time and I still don't feel it.

    If JYP can write something like 24hrs for Sunmi, I dont see why he can't produce another song for Miss A.

    1. None of missA's songs have impressed me except BadGirlGoodGirl and I don't need a man.

  13. Doode! I so wish I was Min! She gets paid for doing literally nothing except for hanging out with Suzy, she gets to fuck Gikwang every night and best of all, Kpopalypse jerks off to her!
    Min has the gud lyfe!

    1. Shush you two, you're disrupting my rhythm.

    2. A moment of silence for our brother Kpopalypse as he solemnly faps to Min. That bitch got some nice tits, I shit you not.

  14. E-Tribe has musical ADHD. People might say that about the IGAB kind of songs, but that is only like bad fashion sense, combining the wrong things. E-Tribe seriously has no compositional focus and every song ends up a directionless, rather cyclical mess. If absolutely no structure is requested by the client, it can result in a fun chaos, as with Dal Shabet, but still inherently has this sense of never going anywhere, thus never arriving anywhere, buzzing around never resting on anything.

    If they were going to ditch gorilla oppar they should have hired Duble Kick.

    1. I would rather listen to IGAB on repeat for a whole day than listen to this song once.

  15. I think the worst part about the song is how boring it is. BE INTERESTING ALREADY

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The song is awesome, anyone who thinks its shit are real shit.

  17. miss A did a great job... they're the best!!! don't be a bitch!!! keep clam and listen to HUSH... thanks :)

    1. Do we look like we want to listen to that piece of shit anymore?

      And yay finally a fangirl commenting

    2. There are even two of them that wandered off into the wrong corner of the internet !

  18. On a positive note, I did enjoy 2:45-2:54.
    The weIrdest thing is that I found only Jia to be watchable in this MV.
    What's weird about it - she's my least fave in missA...

  19. I feel like the only one who thinks Touch was miss A's high point by a country mile.

    Hush wasn't as bad as I expected given that it's E-Tribe who have a terrible hit/miss ratio, but it's still a hell of a long way from "good".

    1. I thought I was the only one who liked Touch haha.

    2. Agreed about Touch. The Newport Remix that concludes the mini is wonderful.

      This new album has some rather enjoyable tracks (Come On Over, Love Is U) aside from Hush. Which wouldn't be too bad itself with a beefed up beat and chorus.

  20. Okay. Yesterday I hated this song. I was so disappointed. But now I kind of like it. The beat doesn't drop but it does fall into the mix at some point. It's no Good Girl, Bad Girl and it sure as hell ain't Touch but it's bearable.

    1. Also its way better live.
      Oh god. I sound like a total fan girl.

  21. It's the drums, or, rather, lack there of. The drums are off relative to the structure, making no real differentiation between chorus and verse. A Chorus isn't effective without consistent drums or percussion, and inversely, progressive works aren't effective WITH consistent drums. This is why many of you think of it as a build-up. No consequentially applied drums.

    1. You know so much I won't be surprised if you're actually shinsadong tiger or some shit

    2. they shoulda hired me to play.

  22. Yeah the song lacked a part where the beat drops, but it definitely isn't this horrible disaster you're depicting it to be.

  23. Are you a music critic ? ?
    I think you're just a fake critic
    you're too rough . you should be able to explain it with polite and well .
    not in a condescending manner and vilify .
    I know you do not know what it means real music .
    and I know you just know the songs kpop alone in this world .
    you're stuck , like a prisoner who always gets the same food every day and the longer you're going to love it .
    you have to wake up and see the whole world .
    I think kpop yet arguably the most successful in the world music industry .
    USA and the UK is the biggest music industry in the world .
    Miss A released a single that is different from the other kpop singles .
    not with that too up beat rhythms and noisy . and also do not have even the chorus lyrics are very long . but Miss A song is always easy to remember because of the difference of the other kpop song makes Miss A more special than the others . almost 70 % more who do not like the MV Miss A is true Kpopers . and the like MV Miss A mostly comes from outside korea like USA . do you like this song if you listen to it wholeheartedly without any bad feeling this song . it takes time for true Kpopers often possible to hear it is to be loved . trust me

    1. Whenever people I know first discover this blog I have to remind them that the site is called "anti kpop-fangirl" and not "anti-kpop fangirl". I think the above post is from someone who also didn't pay attention to where the hyphenation is.

    2. English education is poor around the world, oppar. Even people with English as their native language don't understand what a hyphen is lol.

    3. For Kpopalypse:
      I'm not talking about "anti kpop-fangirl". I do not care if you're anti kpop-fangirl or not it really does not matter to me. I'm talking about you a rough critic and I explain what it is actually music.

      For Anti Kpop-Fangirl:
      What you were born in ancient times?. or do you now live in the jungle?. if so no wonder you said it was a poor education english for you. you have a small brain thinking that can not speak english. so sad. oh i forget little baby, im not from usa or uk but I'm from asia.

    4. You are proving my point. Lolololol

    5. sabrinaaz, I think you just want to be from Korea.
      Go hop away, this isn't the blog you're looking for.

    6. Jesus, this girl is so delusional that she thinks we are delusional.

      "Miss A song is always easy to remember"

      well I forgot what the song is about right after listening to it, and true kpopers? more like batshit crazy fangirls

  24. It's the first title track from MissA that I don't like at all.It's really boring, and I had very high expectations. :/

  25. DAYUM JIA! She was stealing all my attention from Fei. When did she get so hot?

    Video was boring and so was the song but the China-line visuals made up for it.

  26. pfft. E tribe also had Naengmyun! Naengmyun!


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