Saturday, November 30, 2013

Will Seungri Jizz On Takimoto Miori's Tits?

Is Takimoto Miori Seungri's next victim? Are some BTS scenes from their upcoming mobile drama enough evidence to make a claim such as this? Did the lack of real evidence ever stop people from speculating on HwayounGate?

I don't fucking know.

Okay, so she passes the first two tests when it comes to whether or not Seungri will jizz on her tits. The first test, appearance, was passed with flying colors on account of Miori being fucking adorable. The second test, having straight teeth, was also passed. Seungri can't afford to have his dick bitten off by a girl with shark teeth. There's a reason as to why Seungri never jizzed on CL's tits. Every time CL's teeth gravitated towards Seungri's dick, it shriveled up faster than the speed of light. 

The third test Miori passed was that she voiced a character in Miyazaki Hayao's latest film, "The Wind Rises". What this means is that Seungri can imagine Miori as an anime character (and maybe dress her up as one) while he can make his hentai fantasies into reality.

Will Miori beg to take it up the butt like this chick from Bible Black did? Will Seungri make Miori dress up like Revy from Black Lagoon before he starts banging her?

The fourth test is that Miori played a male in the drama Ikemen desu ne, a remake of the Korean drama You're Beautiful. This is as close as Seungri wants to go when it comes to banging a shemale. The fifth test that Miori passes is that she used to be an idol way back in the day in the idol group SweetS. If you can stomach J-idol pop, here you go.

Final Verdict?


  1. Bored of hearing about his conquest(s), hope he gets married soon zzzt. who cares.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, those three photos are shit because of that.

  3. i thought that my gut reaction to seungri would dull with time but he still sicks me out now as much as he did the first time i saw him

  4. My christmas wish is for Seungreasy to catch an STD that will make his cock shrivel up and fall off.

  5. that speed of light part made my day

  6. He's so disgusting when I see BigBang all of them disgust me
    Since I know them back in 2009. Now I know why.


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