Wednesday, November 27, 2013

All of a Sudden, Go Ara is a Great Actress

As a fangirl would say, "you can't deny" that Go Ara makes your pants tighter. However, she has always been shitted on by netizens for her acting. While she doesn't receive as much shit as Suzy, Lee Yeon Hee, Kim Tae Hee, Yoona, or [insert idol here], Go Ara has had heaps of shit flung at her.

Now, because of Reply 1994, which I'm extremely behind on, netizens love Go Ara, via NetizenBuzz.

1. [+493, -35] Being under SM was a detriment to her car. Because of SM being known for their crappy acting, she was stereotyped and buried under that. She worked hard on a lot of different projects but never got any recognition for them.. I hope she gets popular through this opportunity. 
2. [+394, -30] Really, it was through this drama that I saw her in a new light;; She's so good at acting and she's not even playing the stereotypical female lead where all you have to do is sit around in luxury brands and look pretty...... She's pretty just as she is. 
3. [+355, -28] I think it's that she was always a good actress, just that she never landed the right project
4. [+47, -5] She's a hundred times better than labelmate Lee Yeon Hee, I really don't know why she hasn't received her shining moment until now
5. [+28, -4] I remember reading a movie director talk about Go Ara and he said that despite her pretty looks, she'll do whatever you tell her to and that she was bound for success. 
6. [+27, -4] As someone who never missed an episode of 'Banollim' and 'Banollim 2', I can see similarities between 'Najung' and 'Oklim'... I think that's why Go Ara hasn't been able to receive attention since 'Oklim' until she landed 'Najung' again. I'm worried that she's going to enter into another slump after this drama or that she'll never be able to escape the 'Najung' character image for the next decade. I personally wish her the best. 
7. [+12, -2] The careers of actors are decided 60~70% by the projects they choose. The remaining 30~40% is their acting talent. The actors who choose the right projects have longer running careers than actors who are simply good at acting. 
8. [+11, -4] She never lucked out on her projects
Now, let's see what they were saying just months ago when it was announced Go Ara was added to the cast of Reply 1994.  Or how about in just an article stating that she's tri-lingual?

Basically, the comments were "The bitch fucking sucks."

In short, the two lessons that were learned are the following: a) the projects one choose are more important than "acting ability" and b) don't hate on hot girls out of petty jealousy as you'll probably end up stanning her down the road.

For example, I always find writing and directing to be much more important than the acting ability of each individual actor. The writing and directing are the foundation of the work. So that is why I can't watch Game of Thrones, because I don't want to watch a show about gay wieners.

In the end, I find this hilarious. I am always called out for being misogynist and sexist, but I'm the one "fighting" for the rights of actresses. I've been fighting for female shower scenes for years now. It's somehow alright to endlessly bash actresses for lack of "acting ability", but definitely alright to fawn over men who can't act (roughly 70% of the content on Dramabeans.) I just want my rights, too. If it's okay for fangirls to fawn over oppa even though he isn't the best actor, I want it to be okay to fawn over actresses, even if every vagina-possessing-human being hates them.


  1. Thanks to my piece of shit web filter which filters out everything EXCEPT for porn and NSFW web sites I didn't get full enjoyment out of this article as the links wouldn't work. I did however get the jist of it, Netizens formed a stupid and uneducated opinion about something they obviously knew absolutely nothing about and when they were proven wrong they acted like they had the the right idea all along when they were just following the crowd. It's nothing knew for the netties, but it'll never get old none the less.

  2. preach... out of the 10 kdramas ive decided to watch. i only finished 3. and one of em i was able to stomach only 12 episodes before skipping parts so idk if that counts. i learned that the highest rated drama = girls who like oppa so much they give the drama a good review despite the acting and storyline being utter shit just cuz he looks hot in it.

    i dont care if her acting isnt good, if my dick gets hard then she did her job. which is why im always down for lee yeon hee dramas.

    1. Acting ability on TV (no matter the country) doesn't matter. I've watched plenty of American, Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese TV shows with subpar acting, but the writing was good enough to keep going. The writing and directing have to be solid if an actor is going to have a genuine chance.

    2. Acting ability is like the vocal ability of television. Everybody who knows nothing thinks its the most imperative thing to have but its actually the most irrelevant talent in the industry.

  3. Out of most of the dramas I've seen, all the actors seem to be beyond shit (That's more likely to be because of the god awful plots then the actors actual skill though) so I don't know why k-netizens always act like it requires an exuberant amount of acting talent to do a half decent job when their standards are pretty low in the first place. I haven't really seen that many dramas though so I can't really judge that well. My friend is still alive is the only one I've seen from start to finish, and that was only so I could fap to Gikwang. I aslo saw a little bit of that Dating thing that Sooyong was in and it was some of the best acting I've seen in a while. (Though I'm not really that accustomed to good acting mind you) Eunjung is a terribly overrated actor but it doesn't matter because she's ultra-hot and most of the stuff I've seen her in is leagues more interesting than most of the dramas I've attempted to watch.

    1. I don't know why people expect certain acting from rom-com dramas. It's flabbergasting.

  4. am i the only one who doesn't think go ara is pretty

    1. I'm quite sure you're not. But for me she's one of the prettiest Korean star.

    2. I think she is pretty but not hot.

    3. Nobody would purposely pull my chair away before I sit down if I looked 0.01% like Go Ara.

  5. I did watch the first two episodes and her acting wasn't too bad actually.
    I think she gets hate because of a past incident where she apparently praised her own beauty.
    For me at least, she isn't as dislikeable as Yoona or Uee or Jiyeon (YES I DON'T LIKE JIYEON).

  6. she looks toooooootally different in those 2 photos to me
    but as a vagina possessing human being i support your fight for more female shower scenes.
    i'm not an lee joon fan but i did like when he said that he thinks it's stupid that women are viewed as attention-seeking/cheap when they take off their clothes but guys are seen as sexy. so basically all the celebs should heed lee joon's words (lol like i ever thought i'd utter that sentence) & everyone should just take off their clothes! the end.

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