Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I'm Actually Excited for The Unit's Girl Group

I never watched the show, mainly due to a lack of time due to studying and work, and also used my free time to watch stuff I was more interested in, but in large part was that there were way too many fucking idols. I follow several Yebin fan accounts on Twitter, because of course Yebin is the most adorable idol of the current generation, even withstanding her short stint as a blonde-haired dyke.

Here is the listing for each final group.

Euijin has always been my favorite member of Sonamoo, but that has been a group that has really floundered. I liked their debut song, "Deja Vu," but after that the group has been basically doing jack shit. TS doesn't promote the remaining members of Secret any longer, so I figured they'd promote Sonamoo, but nope.

Good luck to these girls, and I hope they at least release one faptastic MV, but that's probably hoping for too much.


  1. Did you miss Sonamoo's "I" a couple months ago? It was good.

  2. Does anyone even give fucks about the boygroup?

    1. not me, i even skip all their shit when i watched the show

      it sucks that Euna Kim didn't make it though
      i wanted both The Ark members to be in it

      But Euijin, DalShabet, Yebin and Suji got in so i'm ok with it


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