Majority of insecure fangirls seem to have a problem with female groups because they're afraid that girl group members are fucking oppar in S. Tiger's love van. Not going to lie, this is probably the truth, but a new girl group may gain many female fans because they won't be screwing oppar. Why? Because they're all married.
"Hey you fat fangirls, we actually have lives" |
I don't care about the marital status of idols because it's not my problem, so they can do what they want. Other people who like them probably won't mind the fap materials either. However, nettys may see this as a way to insult these women and say they're too old or they should be at home in the kitchen, because hey, nettys can be sexist.
Girl Hood(because woman hood seemed like they took it from 50sog) debuted with a sickly sweet cute concept that I just couldn't like with a song called "Honey sweetie I love you." The video starts off unpromising with a little interview thing featuring the women as they're walking off somewhere. Then it fades and we get a cheap black and white montage of the group members waving their arms dancing to the tune, which is annoyingly mellow. Cue the random close ups and the bad lipsyncing before we start seeing the ladies embrace some guy with a ponytail. Take this process, add some outfit changes and a lot of 'honey,' 'i love you' and 'you you you' and you've got yourself the most boring thing you've ever watched.
Did I mention the one with the ponytail scares the living shit out of me?
This song could easily be the worst K-pop song I clicked on so far this year. The background music is reminiscent of old-school elevator music and the lyrics are boring and repetitive. Their voices also bug me a lot, it's like they're trying to force a shit ton of aegyo down your throat, which only works if you're trying to sing this to a little kid. The dance is more just them moving thei hips, stepping from side to side and waving their arms everywhere. Since they are all mature women, I was kind of expecting a sexier concept because they could work it well, and
it could satisfy all those fans with MILF fetishes sexy probably would work better for them because this shit sounds like a fucking lullaby or something.
If you do come back again do us a favor and sing a song, not something a kindergarten music class might learn.