If you hadn't heard by now, Infinite's L is supposedly dating an uljjang named Kim Doyeon. With a shitload of L fansites closing/going on hiatus, that was the first sign that these bitches were crazy. Not content with just closing down fansites, fangirls starting sending nasty messages (that's just what I'm assuming, since you know, we're dealing with teenage girls here) to Kim Doyeon. However, this Kim Doyeon just happens to share the same the uljjang. This woman is just trying to live her life teaching your oppars and unnirs Japanese so that they can receive more money. She's not even licking the tip of L's penis, so calm your tits.
Man, this is almost as painful to watch as Dallas blowing an eleven-fucking-point lead to San Diego. Jesus Titty Fucking Christ.