Thursday, September 19, 2013

Boram Is The Best Rapper

Normally the news regarding a video like this is "Eunjunf," "Cyclops is shooting her beams at my penis and making it stiffer," "Qri doesn't care," "Hyomin makes bestiality tempting," or "Soyeon looks like her pre-"'I-fucked-my-face-up' self," the biggest story is that Boram is now the rapper. She has all of the street credibility from distributing weed (to GD) to smoking the shit herself. Now T-ara's biggest thug is the rapper. With Hwadog out of the way, Boram is on her way to becoming a Korean rap legend.


  1. Way to get lazy with the dance, ladies...

    1. I approve - a slower moving object is easier to perv at.

    2. didn't look like they were getting any love. a lot of the light sticks were off. or maybe it's just me who sees that.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. You were looking for a lack of lightsticks, so that's what you found. Someone looking for a well-received performance with lots of cheering would have found it as well.

    5. If you saw the whole concert, they did actually get a lot more lukewarm response than any of the other artists.

    6. Girl groups always get less cheers, and girl group who have been around for a while (who aren't on SM lol) especially so.

    7. Kara is in the exact same category, and they got a lot better response. I love T-ara too, dude, but you have to admit they're not well liked in Korea.

  2. Boram should start a rap crew with Crayon Pop's Way and her posse of 200. It'd be the realest.

    1. Holy shit yes! Maybe throw in Hana/Zinger in there as well, to make it my ultimate dream cum true.

  3. Ho-holy shit. Sexy love looks and sounds awful performed live. Without being able to hear the highlighted compression, the fart synths sound like actual flaccid gas.

    1. That might explain why T-ara performed a ton of remixed versions of this songlive a few months back. Pity the remixes were crap though.

    2. Their best song looks and sounds the worst live.

  4. Bitch please, Boram's TTL rap is best rap, ya just ain't got any taste.

    Also so far Qri, Jiyeon and Boram has done the SL rap, rather amusing.

  5. The real question is, who will be the main rapper? Eunjunf or... whoever the hell that was?
    I'll be fine so long as I never have to hear Hyomin rap ever again.

  6. Sexy Love is so weak without Areum. Soyeon's sexy aegyo is annoying and they're just throwing random members at the rap part. I didn't notice how generic it sounded without Areum.

    1. Soyeon was doing sexy aegyo? All I saw was her blinking with a blank expression on her face... huh.

    2. I've told you people before, it's just a lookalike, the real soyeon died in a tragic vagina-related accident. barely even looks like her

  7. However, apart from her vocal tone, Areum was a very generic and ordinary member, even though she was my bias. Honestly, she looked like a saesang fan got past security and ended up in a few of the group's music videos.

  8. Man, I just can't help myself but thinking that they're all just soulless bitches, whenever I see them live...
    Sexy Love is a very entertaining Pop song, but as was to be expected, Areum leaving was shitty for T-ara.

    1. Welcome to being a confirmation bias victim.

    2. On the contrary, I'd say they were plenty of alive (or as alive as can be when you're saying rehearsed stuff in two different languages of which I can understand neither) and soully.

    3. @Kpopalypse; I think you're wrong with that assumption (which seems kinda weird anyway).
      I don't really want to think that about them.

    4. My point is that if you "don't want to" yet you "can't help yourself", this shows that the controversy which was purely confirmation bias-generated still had an impact on how you think about T-ara. Because everyone else is focusing on X and acting as if X is reality, you can't help but focus on X a little too, even though you'd rather not. This is what I mean about being a victim.

    5. No is too self-centered to be psyche'd, kpoplypse. Some things you just need to let go, as strange as that sounds coming from me.

    6. It does sound strange, are you feeling ok? I'm concerned.

    7. They were soulless even before areum left.

    8. Looking for "soul" in k-pop is like looking for "pitch accuracy" in black metal. Some things just ain't ever gonna be part of the style.

  9. Ya'll know the star of the rap is the robot, aka. Hwayoung, though? It's pretty shitty anyway, but she recorded the "original", and then they had to jumble it, a'cause of controversy.

  10. Can't wait for the inevitable Boram vs Dani vs Areum vs Hwayoung diss tracks.

    1. I'm thinking a Hwayoung comeback with a diss track loaded with the names of idol rappers, à la Kendrick Lamar. Dani, having her position in T-ara ridiculed by a former member, would respond by dropping a sick verse. Areum would annihilate them both with her indubitable expertise in hip-hop, her recent departure from T-ara fueling her distress. Boram would tweet about it, then address the aforementioned rappers with a lyrical death threat eliciting a collective gasp from mothers all over the nation, their pearls clutched with trembling hands.


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