Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dani performs with F-ve Dolls

Not much to say here. Here is the true performing debut of the much-hyped ace up Kim Kwangsoo's sleeve. Gif & Video after the jump.


  1. Their name change was absolutely unnnecessary. Certainly doesn't make this boring group of blandness any more interesting.

    1. they should end all pretence and rename themselves "Five Dolls (... and one Eunkyo)"

    2. I think you mean "Five Dolls (...and one Eun-cow)"

  2. Dat bitch so stoic. 10/10 would take pictures with and be in monday with

  3. As the only fan of 5doors here. I have to say Dani was unnecessary. And that bitch from the SEEYA should've gotten more lines. Song isn't that bad; I mean only the verses were nice. I'll probably DL the whole album and fap over it

    1. song is utterly forgettable. MV is worth watching for the utterly lovely Nayeon; not even seungri's rap could spoil my enjoyment

  4. I don't know why Gary-pink is here but boy was that the most hilarious opening by running man.

    Anyway, Dani is useless. No impact whatsoever for the song. KKS should have just continued walking back then on that fateful street.
    I wish she'll never join t-error.

  5. I liked the new F-ve Dolls/Dani. Name change is a wank to be sure (although makes sense given that there's six of them now I suppose) but new song is easily their best yet (suspended chords over verses and rapping = win) and Dani's rap doesn't suck to my non-Korean-understanding ear. As the most cyberbullied underage girl in Asia that girl is gonna kick ass and take names by the time she's 18 or so.

    1. dani seems better than plain jane jennie kim who yg has been promoting the hell out of. couldn't even look at her on stage. *shudders* every time she tried singing high notes she looked like she was going to die.

    2. Dani's part on this song isn't very vocally demanding but it fits. They're doing the right thing starting her with something not too taxing.

  6. Omg Eunji's smiiiile. I'm in love now.

  7. I thought I saw a beardless Steve Aoki

    1. ...on the 5doors MV. the title was misleading. this is Apink the fuck

    2. F-ve Dolls are like Apink except I actually would bang some of them. Unlike the horrid Beyonce-clone mess that was the original 5dolls, glad they shot that old style in the foot.

  8. yay (-: c+be used best apig member eunji & naoen.. love it! so cute, also, dani is nature's grieve 5-dick(+1 man-pig gargoyle-like beast) should consider themself Lucky she do that sick rap!! g'day cunt!!! crickey!!!! eungyo looks like aboriginal mixed with wog

  9. dani has man hands and dances like a clumsy ogre =[

  10. I'm suprised no one's mentioned the part where Dani asks people to love her long time. Bet KKS is replaying the shit outta that


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