Tuesday, September 10, 2013


By popular demand, I'm streaming again this weekend!

As per last time, I'm going to stream twice, 12 hours apart. This is to accommodate people in different timezones, because we're not all Californian beach girls now, are we.

The stream times:

Adelaide, Australia (my time): Sunday 15th September @ 9:30 AM and then again @ 9:30 PM

USA PST (beach bunny time/Anti Kpop-Fangirl time): Saturday 14th September @ 5:00 PM and then again Sunday 15th September @ 5:00AM

Greenwich GMT (proper time for proper folks): Saturday 14th September @ Midnight and then again Sunday 15th September @ Midday

People in other countries should be able to calculate the stream times from these.


Note that the first stream time is two hours earlier than AKFG Zaku's usual stream start time, and I'll end my stream at 5PM PST which is when he always starts his stream like clockwork.  This is because I respect Zaku's commitment to reliable weekly streaming, and I don't want to mess with his schedule.  In the extremely unlikely event that Zaku does not stream for whatever reason (earthquake, nuclear/zombie apocalypse, surprise candlelit dinner date with Bom, or other extremely important reason) I will continue streaming.  scratch all that, Bom obviously liked the ring Zaku bought her, so he won't be streaming and the first of the two streams is at Zaku's usual time.

The second stream time doesn't coincide with anything in particular apart from me having to go to work the next day, so it will start 12 hours after the first stream starts and will go for as long as I feel like it.

Be aware that while anybody can view the stream, you will need a justin.tv account to participate in the chat and ask questions (unless you're comfortable with using your real name in which case the stream has a "log in via Facebook" option - but I don't recommend it).  If you don't have one already, you may wish to prepare an account in advance at the justin.tv websiteYOU DON'T NEED A WEBCAM TO JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS - it's me who's going to be streaming my ugly mug, not you.

What the stream basically entails is me sitting on front of a webcam and answering whatever questions you guys can think up and type into a text bar (plus my Internet connection failing every so often because I live in Australia where the Internet is shit and will remain shit for at least the next three years, thanks Tony Abbott, but if I drop out, be patient - dropouts don't last for more than a few minutes, I'll come back).  I don't mind answering basic shit like "what is your bias in group x" but you can ask anyone that.  Things that may help you ask something that might generate a bit more entertainment and value for your time:

*  I'm a music teacher, and an audio engineer.  There isn't a lot about music and sound that I don't know.

*  I've also been in various musical groups and have been on tours, have dealt with record labels etc. - lots of business experience, plus plenty of experience dealing with the politics of working with other musicians oh golly gee gosh how could this be relevant to k-pop I wonder.

*  I'm also a k-pop DJ and because of this I have a lot of physical k-pop stuff.  Maybe I have something of your bias that you don't have?  Ask me to show you.

*  I saw 4Minute live in Sydney recently.

*  Feel free to look up my ask.fm account to get a feel for the sort of questions that might generate interesting dialogue.

*  All my collected blog posts for Anti K-pop-Fangirl, plus a few more, can be accessed in one easy place by clicking the "Kpopalypse" in the affiliates section of the sidebar at the right.  Just so you can remember what I've been writing about recently.  This may also help you think up questions.



  1. everybody knows soyu has the best body

    1. Hyorin's body is always a bit propped-up looking, like she's got either mega implants or just a whole lot of padding. Soyu seems more like she would actually have the same figure if you took the clothes off.

    2. lol you know your water bra is too obvi when most guys can tell it's not natural
      she was wearing a shirt in some promo saying i <3 victoria's secret and it was kind of like yes i know

      soyu's obsession with losing weight is just about to make her crazy body go down the drain though - imo she looked best at her so cool/hello baby weight

    3. If some k-pop girl actually gains weight during her career she's going to collect mad bias points from me.

    4. She's always been my favourite in miss A but I honestly didn't notice any weight gain.

    5. However, if she has, that's more bias points for her.

    6. she did for a while and everyone called her fat and she lost weight and got thin again

    7. in general though the idols who aren't constantly losing weight or aren't already thin are on a weight roller coaster, the most notable example of this being kangin (super junior member who drinks too much) bc he gets really fit and then gains weight to the point of obesity and then back every few of months; nobody seems to want to keep the excess flab, or they can't because they're too stressed out and people around them think 1 kg is a big deal

    8. Comes with the territory. I'd still like to see bigger idols across the board but I don't think it's gonna happen.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. girls nowadays are so brainwashed by those not-so-closet homos in the fashion industry who project their lust for pre-adolescent boys onto anorexic twigs that are passed for females.I am pretty sure that >95% of straight blokes prefer curvaceous frames over anorexic sticks...........Too bad that heteronormal male is considered too dull to have any says in contemporary aesthetics.

    11. Actually if guys prefer ultra skinny chicks that's better for me because it means they'll go for the girls I don't want so therefore I get less competition for the girls I'm actually interested in.

  2. I hope you don't get creeped out by me appearing in all your streams oppar, teehee.

    1. I'd rather have people appearing than not appearing! Please appear in as many streams as you want!

    2. you still owe us an aegyo btw oppar

    3. Depending on gender and appearance, if you knock on my door I might invite you in and give you DNA for free.

  3. antikpop-fangirlconfessions: I didn't get my bandwidth sorted out like kpoppar-lypse asked :( I have so many questions about KARA and CO-ED School that need answering!

    1. Sorting out bandwidth and stream issues honestly isn't difficult. If you've got a fast enough connection you shouldn't have a problem, it's not like the stream is really that much data. What type of computer do you have, what ISP and what sort of net connection?

    2. Also what sort of YouTube performance do you get.

    3. The way to test this is just go to justin.tv and stream some random's channel (there's always a few advertised on the main page, right now I'm watching some weeaboo whore listening to shit j-pop and ponce around her bedroom). Then fuck with things. First thing to do: right click inside the stream window, click "settings" and make sure "enable hardware acceleration" is checked.

    4. Once you've done that, if no improvement right click the window, click "quality" and make it medium or low instead of high, see if it makes a difference. You don't need super-duper hidef to watch a stream from my shitty webcam laptop.

    5. Big thanks! I'll see what I can do when I get home! My YouTube performance and general internet speed seems to slow down as it gets later in the evening if that means anything. I'll do what you said. Again, thanks!

    6. I've enabled hardware acceleration and set the quality to Low but its still the exact same as last time :(

    7. Okay, what's your computer type with specs, ISP and how fast is your net connention.

  4. You guys have no idea how bad I want to join your livestreams, but my Internet sucks and my webcam is complete shit. I seriously do this ugly pout every time I see a livestream that I can't join.

    1. And also the fear that I might not be easy on the eyes.

    2. If it makes you feel any better, you'll always be easy in my eyes.

    3. You don't need to cam up to join the livestreams, just tune in when we go on the air. l0l

    4. Really? OMfg.
      i feel like an idiot.

      *goes and strangles myself with a barbed wire*

    5. Oh, and @comekpop, I love your GIFs.

    6. Thank you, I also love you as a person.

  5. You should stream the uncut version of Crayon Pop on On to the king stage.
    I would watch every single hour. :>

    1. Yeah but you can just click on Youtube and see it whenever you want, right?

    2. Unfortunately not, there's no uncut version.

    3. Well then I wouldn't know where to find it either.

  6. I would join these livestreams but I look almost as bad as CL's teeth on a saturday.

    1. Again, you don't need to cam up to join the livestreams!! Just tune in when we go on the air. l0l

    2. I'm going to edit the blog because people seem to be getting this detail mixed up, dunno why.

  7. You might as well have put the control beat next to that crossed out block of text.

  8. Random question but who's the girl in the website background? Kind of looks like UEE but sexier.

    1. Which one, this one or my justin.tv stream background? The AKFG background is Lee Da Hee (I didn't know this either and only know cos AKFG told me so don't feel silly). My stream background is Dani in the cage in the Day By Day video but I might change it before the stream goes live if I find something cool enough.

    2. Dani in the cage? my god, you just let your inner pedobear out of the cage....

    3. I like Dani because she gets hated on so automatically that makes me like her by default. But only in a platonic "I'd buy you an ice cream" kind of way.


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