Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Bom and Lee Hi Brutally Slaughter the Iconic "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey

It's so bad that I didn't even want to link/post the video on here as it doesn't deserve any more listens to and I want to save your ears.

(AKF note: Everyone, welcome akisame to AKF! She runs her own site here and is what we would call a "vocalfag" around these parts. I thought having a vocalfag would be a nice counter to the "compositionfags" that we have here in Kpopalypse and Ahjussi. I guess I would just be a "visualfag" since the idols looking hot is my #1 criteria when it comes to Kpop. She has also graciously offered to fix the glitches and bugs on AKF to make it run faster and gave this site a nice face lift. Just be glad I didn't enlist the help of Bom's plastic surgeon to design the site. Enough of my rambling, read the rest of akisame's article.)

Of course when someone releases their version of such an iconic song you can't expect it to be as good as the original, or surpass it, but I don't think anybody was expecting Bom and Hi's version to be so bad. The song was slowed down to such a depressing beat it sounded liked a drunk Mother Santa was pining for Father Santa. The vocals on the song could never have reached Mariah's level, but by damn were they awful.

Well, Lee Hi actually did really well and her lower range run was really nice. The girl has definitely shown improvement, vocally, and could really be something when she's older. Nonetheless, most of the runs and lines went to Bom whose singing is just so unforgivable.

Despite what most people like to think, Bom cannot sing. She's awful. She's actually so bad she cannot even connect her notes together. She sounds like someone being choked whilst trying to push out a baby. Her singing (as well as her face) is actually unbearable, girl has destroyed her vocal cords and they're now beyond the point of repair. 

I don't who at YG is under the illusion that Bom is vocal prowess, but whoever decided that it would be OK to let her lose on a Mariah Carey track without even auto-tuning the fuck out of her voice (so she'd actually be in tune) deserves to be shot. How could anyone let such a fucking hot mess be released for the masses to hear? IT SHOULD BE A CRIME! 

You know what is really funny? Bom's Engrish is so bad and Lee Hi's is impecable! Isn't Bom meant to be the one with the flawless English skills because she went to High School in America? Maybe she spent more time getting collagen shots instead of studying for her oral exams tut tut.

Even without Bom the song is bad. It sounds like AIWFCIY on fucking depressants, it's so damn slow it shouldn't even be a Christmas song. It's something you'd play at a funeral whilst mourning the loss of a loved one because all you want is for them to come back. 

I don't know what possessed Papa YG to let Bom loose on a Mariah track, but at least it means Mariah gets more $$$ in her pocket smile emoticon.


  1. " [..] but at least it means Mariah gets more $$$ in her pocket." - I don't see how this is a good thing.

    It feels so unlike the original, that I didn't even knew it was a cover of the Carey song (plus, I don't know shit about the original besides the refrain).

    1. It's a good thing because Mariah's been flopping recently lol.

    2. Let her flop !
      Fits her floppy boobs.

    3. Speaking of which, nobody's talking about the big issue here - how come Lee Hi has more boobs in the photo tham Bom, and she's also taller? I'm convinced that they're not even leaning against each other in this photo but it's two separate photos taken and stuck together and Lee Hi is just zoomed in a bit more. That, or someone just shop-swapped the faces just for a laugh and to see if anyone would notice.

    4. Speaking of which - what "which" ? haha

      I think Lee Hi is just sitting on a higher chair.

    5. Oh, yeah, no clue how I didn't see that.

    6. The reason why Lee Hi actually has tits is because she's still a developing teen and YG hasn't STARVED HER YET. Duh.

  2. I have always thought that Bom was overrated. Sure, being in the YG hype train helped me think that, but it just always sounds like she's shrieking when she's singing.

    1. She's the worst vocalist in K-Pop, maybe even the world. I have yet to find someone as vocally overrated as her.

    2. Overrated and worst are not the same thing.

    3. I guarantee you that I sing worse than Bom. At worst, she's the second-worst vocalist in the world.

    4. @Kpopalypose Let me be the judge of that.

      @No I don't see your point.

    5. You said she's the worst, when she really isn't.
      She might be overrated, especially since not much interesting stuff came from 2NE1 in 2013, but she's not the worst.
      Look at all those obscure third-grade groups that just barely survive, plenty of them have more boring and bland main vocalists (I think you specifically said "vocalist" and not just "singer", the way Kpopalypse understood it) and in fact not even one good singer. I don't know about all of the bigger groups, since I don't care too much about who they call the vocalist, dancer, visual etc.

    6. At least give Park Bom some credit... She doesn't sound like most *So called vocalists/singers that sound alike*

    7. Bom can't sing at all really but her voice has a unique sound and that's so much more important and the reason why she's many people's favourite vocalist in k-pop, uniqueness in a genre where everyone literally sounds exactly the same is a huge asset and why she constantly gets picked for things like this. Most people who dislike Bom's voice actually initially liked it because it sounded different, but then read up on some forum about how bad her technique is and then went "oh... these experts say it's not good so I guess I'd better start disliking it then".

    8. That sounds like you're talking about something you were about to write !

    9. But "uniqueness" and "tone" is all subjective and I don't talk about her atrocious skills as a vocalist so people don't like her. Btw the term "vocalist" is used to refer to someone who uses their voice as an instrument.

      And @No just because a main vocalist of a group has a "bland" or "boring" voice (which is entirely subjective) it doesn't mean they're worse than Bom. She can't even connect her notes together.

    10. Whether you like someone's vocal tone is certainly subjective, but the uniqueness of that tone definitely is not. Sure, whether you LIKE the uniqueness is a subjective thing of course, but the fact that the uniqueness EXISTS in the first place is quite objective and can be easily measured with a simple blind listening test.

  3. "Composition-fag" lol. Guilty as charged though. And yes never mind the surgery, Bom can't sing is the worst kept secret in k-pop. However for me it's the song that's the problem... of course. Nobody could salvage it. Welcome, Akisame!

    1. Love your composition articles though…

    2. I'll probably do more at some point but finding a way to convey ideas like that in a way which is interesting for people who might not necessarily give a fuck is always tricky.

  4. I didn't even listen to the full song but i know it's awful... At least they should've stuck to the original instead of releasing this boring version.

    1. > they should've stuck to the original

      That would have been a complete disaster. That song is much more challenging than what it sounds like.

    2. LOL i agree but i didn't mean vocally (I know they won't be able to sing that).

  5. Totally agree on Bom and welcome to AKF

  6. They should honestly just make Minzy the new main vocalist for 2ne1, Bom sounds like shit on every track

  7. Song made me sad. Don't like the original, though, either.

    Welcome akisame.

  8. After reading your comments I really don't dare to watch the video. So I'll just say welcome to Akisame.

  9. Watched the video and I thought I was watching The Shinning.

    I think Lee Hi sounded good but Bom was just horrible, maybe Minzy would have been better or if Gummy was still with the label the song maybe could have been saved.

    I used to enjoy Bom's voice until I realized it actually went nowhere but that was kind of okay and I'm guessing that explains why she doesn't sing that much and is overshadowed by either CL and Minzy. I don't know why but her voice has been sounding pretty bad and strained lately like she's about to lose her ability to sing at all. As of currently I don't enjoy her voice at all.


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