Very many folks / seemed to really quite enjoy / my Haiku reviews
As Kpopalypse / is always happy to please / all of his readers
I have now returned / with even more song reviews / in Haiku format
Sit back and enjoy / as I take a runny dump / on all of your faves

These selections were / requested through / by my Caonimas
If the song you picked / is not below I may have / reviewed it before
Or perhaps I just / left your shitty song out to / make you really mad
Anyway there is / a horny jizzload of songs / so let's get started
Falsetto chorus / like being hit in the nutsack / by a bad driver
Boring smooth soft crap / described perfectly by the / insightful song name
Sorn from CLC / Will probably look like this / in about ten years
Tedious mish-mash / of all their much better songs / in a crap medley
Waited for Jimin / to say "Hey!" so I could fap / it was not to be
Waited for Jimin / to say "Hey!" so I could fap / ahh, that's more like it
Nobody wants to / hear AOA's generic / filler k-ballads
Brilliant production / and great beats, shame about the / crappy blues based song
Shinsadong Tiger / doesn't hit gold all the time / evidence is here
Emotionally / manipulating their fans / for a fast buck works
BigBang finally / makes something vaguely like a / proper fucking song
Black Nut is good fun / if only idols also / had his attitude
Two zero one five / is the year nugu groups ran / out of MV cash
BoA runs SM / so she saves all the good songs / mainly for herself
MV girl is hot / think I might turn the song off / and just fap to her
Threatens to be good / but doesn't quite get up there / oh well nice try folks
They only know love / maybe they should have learned some / songwriting instead
Okay, this standard / New Jack Swing by numbers is / not too bad I guess
Ladies if you like / kpop boys in uniform / your porn has arrived
I guess now that we / don't have BAP these days / this will have to do
With a name like that / I expected something fast / not this reggae lite
Cannot decide if / Aron or Chad has the worst / creepy camera stare
Be honest ladies / you only picked this song for / Jaehyosturbation
Clara looks stupid / plus the song is pretty crap / can still fap, all good
One day Dal Shabet / might hit the pop A-list but / not with this garbage
I guess rapists must / like vocal harmonising / in their boy group songs
Open World's rapist / or their new agency's clothes / not sure which is worse
Nugus once again / showing the A-list groups a / decent fucking song
Is it X-I-D / or E-X-I-D? Thanks for / fucking this post up
Worthless ballad trash / the type that clogs up all the / k-pop albums now
EXO and football / a bigger styling fail than / Martina's loose clothes
Before Tymee days / E.via had proper beats / not shit rap ballads
Maybe they refused / the bangbus ride so Tiger / gave them this dull song
f(x) are odd as / they do have good album tracks / trufax, caonimas
The song G-Dragon / has been trying to write for the / last three years but can't
The parts are all good / but they don't fit together / like Hyuna's body
Like most k-pop groups / 4Minute's album tracks are / rejected singles
At least it's heavy / or as heavy as these groups / are allowed to get
Absolute shit song / in a transgressive package / so you notice it
A ben-wa bead song / concept is innovative / but not the music
Better than Glass Bead / which is just a clone of that / SNSD song
Back when Girl's Day had / good synthpop features, not the / lame shit they do now
Awful messy trash / Girl's Day sound like Sistar now / for the bucks I guess
Cool electro swing / should have been the feature track / their agency sucks
Designed for concert / lightstick waving, remember / where the on switch is
Back when you could tell / which member was which just by / looking at their face
With a name like that / they should have made it sound like / Eye Of The Tiger
About as good as / SNSD's album tracks / ever fucking get
There are only two / things I watch SNSD / MVs for these days
Another basic / SNSD album track / nothing to see here
If Hello Venus / did this concept from debut / they would be rich now
One of the better / boy groups around now, with a / pleasing lack of swag
Very generic / with that lame whistling shit that / all the groups have now
Not nearly enough / of Hong Jin Young's boobs displayed / I am disappoint
Teenage kids try to / sound tough with fake growly voice / quaking in my boots
This isn't too bad / at least it has some guitar / that's something I guess
Too much of this weak / crap in K-pop but at least / this is well written
She has heard Detox / but Kpopalypse has not / I'm not fit to judge
The only song that / Unpretty Rapstar gave us / that was any good
A good story to / manipulate you into / liking a shit song
JYP looks like / even more of a pervert / than me, I approve
It's okay but it / lacks the metal influence / of their better tracks
Back when you could tell / which member was which just by / looking at their face
Great 60's girl group / style song that nobody liked / because they all suck
Lizzy sounds great here / but I wish she really was / a bit easier
How fucking maudlin / can these sour sobs fucking go / out and get some sun
This is pretty good / Lovelyz have good album tracks / not sure why that is
Lovelyz going down / Stock Aitken Waterman path / it does work for them
Decent verses are / ruined by the blues chorus / waste of a good song
If Dal Shabet had / this as a feature track they / might have got somewhere
Let's not make Johnny / Noh's ego any bigger / with crap songs like these
Glad this one never / came out as a feature track / it's as shit as "Breathe"
More yoloswag stuff / but this one is pretty good / catchy synth saves it
Sounds like music from / an 80s action film scene / not too bad I guess
Boy groups killing each / other with guns, soon the world / will be perfect - shoot!
This song is nothing / great but still better than most / boy group songs that year
If I had the choice / I would have not reviewed this / lame album filler
It isn't bad but / the Tarantinoesque start / outperforms the song
This is the song that / "Catch Me If You Can" should have / been like, but was not
Nine Muses do not / have good album tracks but this / is an exception
Very average / song title sounds like a good / idea, flush it down
Nothing special here / but notable for some cool / theremin backing
Maybe the best song / these nugus have ever had / but still not that great
It's easy to see / why Rainbow struggled for fame / with this boring crap
Finally Rainbow / get a good feature track, it / only took 6 years
Nothing special here / grateful that this song wasn't / picked as the feature
Pretty cool song but / I still can't tell them apart / someone help me please
I often hate this / type of funk disco thing but / Risso is good here
Why why is Shannon / doing a Traci Lords on / uncle fans, stop that
I want my three and / a half minutes back that I / spent hearing this shit
Best SHINee feature / track in a while but all their / others are bad, so...
What is this crapstep / didn't they get the memo / this is a dead style
Screechy annoying / chorus sinks all the appeal / this song could have had
What's with Sonamoo's / agency, all their fillers / are better than their...
...fucking shit feature / not that these songs are good but / "Deja Vu" was trash
This song is good but / still Mina from AOA's / Audrey Hepburn wins
If you don't want to / be teased please do a proper / MV next time thanks
I was introduced / to Heelys by SPEED, thanks for / enhancing my life
This was a real thing? / Christ Super Junior released / some pure fucking turds
The crap keeps coming / seems lovestruck Shindong fangirls / will buy anything
"Holler" was a much / better song, that's why it was / the feature - trufax
Disgusting blues trash / I listen to k-pop to / get away from this
The chimps finding a / mic is appropriate for / YG's career path
Nothing all that great / but still better than what they / did as a five piece
Pretty sure that this / group were always a two piece / where's my cheque SM
Country k-pop song / that is about 1% / country, what a fail
Yet another dull / rap ballad, Korea has / millions of these shits
Boring song that is / well-matched with an equally / boring video
Typical yolo / swag shit, Wa$$up should go back / to breakdance music
Wonder Girls also / had decent album tracks which / is unusual...
...k-pop albums are / usually bad because / they are not designed...
from the ground up as / albums but just the feature / plus leftover junk
Apt song title as / trainees at their agency / found out all too soon
Someone asked me if / this was shot with a drone - yes! / Click here for the proof!

DGNA did nuffin wrong/they might have raped a couple of underage people but/ at least they're not been as rude as/those dumplings offending/ass spanking/dick riding/cam whoring/spoiled cunts "Girl's day" have been recently/no offence.
ReplyDeleteCan't agree more, TVXQ times two is far greater than TVXQ times five. Take than, Maths.
ReplyDeleteWhoever thought making "Gwiyomi song 2" is a damn unoriginal, pathetic being/group of people.
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, I can't fap to it... that means a lot, making Clara un-faptastic.
I'm so angry now.
On this hot day
ReplyDeleteRisso sounds appropriate
for my alcoholic drink
Animated end logo
ReplyDeletefrom the Ice Cream Cake vid
looks like a penis
ice cream cake is a true bop
ReplyDelete"EXO - Love me Right: EXO and football / a bigger styling fail than / Martina's loose clothes"
ReplyDeleteGod, their football outfits were ridiculous. They are way too skinny and tiny for them. They just physically do not fit. And then they started DANCING in them.
"4Minute - Crazy :The song G-Dragon / has been trying to write for the / last three years but can't"
And 2NE1, for that matter.
"Girl's Generation - Girl's Generation: Back when you could tell / which member was which just by / looking at their face"
Shots fired.
FT Island's "Pray" / Is so good but/ Too bad they're gonna be buried for another 6 years
ReplyDeleteRate the Taras.