Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rainbow's Sweet Dream MV

Yeha yeah I know this is "old" since it came out around the same time as 2PM's Hands Up MV.

Rainbow continues with their Jpop sound, mainly because Daishi Dance, a Jpop producer, produced the song for Rainbow. Well, I like Jpop and I like this song.

The MV is fairly boring to be honest. If it wasn't for the eye candy I wouldn't have even bothered watching it as many times as I have. Yoonhye's and Seungah's eyes don't protrude out as much but Yoonhye and Hyunyoung have terrible hair in this MV. Especially Hyunyoung. She's the maknae but she looks like she could pass off for a thirty year old with that hair.

Speaking of Hyunyoung I'm saddened by her weight loss. I would have been if she had only lost 1 to 2 kg since she really didn't need to, but she ended up losing 8 kg, which is about 17 lbs. So her face has slimmed down a lot and it makes her less cute. But the real killer is that it looks like she lost quite a bit of fat from her boobs, thighs, and ass. Noooooooo.

/crying forever

The guys in the military love it.


  1. military loves all girl groups :p

  2. 1 million dollars in camera work....and its still boring. i like the song

  3. Damn, they loved WooRi & JaeKyung.
    I don't blame them though.


  5. Rainbow is boring as fuck, how can you even be a fan.

  6. ^ It's called being chill. I'd rather they be upfront and honest with themselves over having to resort to acting fake all the time on camera to sustain interest. Compared to most idol groups, they would like for you to focus on their music itself and not a company-manufactured representation of them. I prefer the former, which is why I also like groups such as Sistar, BEG, and Miss A.

    Anon 2:01, wrong group.

  7. @Anti Kpop-Fangirl: why have we been on the same brain waves these days??!!

    god, i said the SAME thing about hyunyoung's weightloss! she lost weight for "To Me" and it wasn't too bad, she should have stopped there but she kept going and now...where are the wonderful thighs and ass i loved during "A" promotions????!
    and even on a non-pervy note, her face has slimmed too much and i liked her cute cheeks. lol SHE WAS MY BAGLE GIRL!

  8. Hyunyoung looks a lot like Bom, their faces are too stiff.


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