Friday, October 18, 2013

Kim Tae Hee is Extremely Hot (As Usual) For Cosmopolitan

Kim Tae Hee went to Germany for this pictorial. Remember Kim Tae Hee, if things with Rain don't work out, there's always this UCGKAD (Upstanding Citizen of German and Korean American Descent) here. Remember, we're being politically correct so that people don't get offended for you UCAADs calling me a Kimchi Nazi or some shit.

아저씨 adds:

Do you even fucking know how hot Kim Tae Hee is?

If that trainer isn't gay he has the most fortunate and unfortunate life in the world.


  1. Germany ?
    Hey, did I tell you about that one time where Taeyeon came to my European country and even went to a place near to where I live and went a place where I know, even posting a pic of her at it on her Instagram acc, and I just went batshit insane ?

    1. EUGH... some grammatical errors in my previous comment.
      Please ignore them, I had a few drinks.

    2. No one is going to care about grammatical mistakes when people are looking at KTH and typing with one hand.

    3. Lonely men hath none standard.

  2. What's up with the crosses lately? Is K-pop slowly being converted into christian k-pop? I didn't know religion could turn into a fashion trend. (Also, no drooling over KTH, I'm a girl)

  3. So ... this pictorial is meant for the Korean Cosmopolitan, not the German one, I suppose. For one moment I thought that Germany actually gives two fucks about KTH.

  4. Too bad, she looks like a cross between Cyclops and Moon Geun Young in these pics.

  5. is that the lady that beated out yoona and suzy in beautiful face thingy.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Kimchi Nazi, that would make an awesome username.


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