Tuesday, October 22, 2013

[MV Review] Nine Muses - Gun

Based Sweettune, hats off to you UCAADs to producing one of my favorite songs of the year.

Coming off from their Wild promotions, which should have been a good song but in the end wasn't, Nine Muses comes back much stronger. I had known about 9M for a while because Ahjussi is a fan of them, but I never found a compelling reason to give two fucks about the group. Sure, they're hot, but so are most girl groups not named 2NE1. Now, with the release of Gun, I am on board.

Sweettune had been given 9M Kara B-sides for the past couple of years. While Kara's B-sides are still better than 70% of the material released in Korea, they aren't strong enough on their own to make a group stand out from the hyper-competitive market. Sweettune gave 9M a very good song this time. I love the instrumental to the song, and I love how despite Sera being a good singer, there really aren't any moments in the song that are wasted for Sera to belt off for all of the vocalfags. The major improvement Gun has over Wild is that Erin is the only one that raps, and the rap is fairly short. If idol rapping has to be a necessary evil, make the accompanying instrumental to it sound good and keep the rap section brief.

On to the MV, which is equally as awesome as the song. First, some gifs from comekpop.

While not as is-in-your-face-with-Lee-Sam's-tits Wild music video, the music video for Gun is very good, showcasing all of the members. Personally, I find all of them but Eunji hot in this music video. She looked like a 50-year-old ahjumma in this music video. 

Gun's music video breaks the dancing-in-a-box convention, opting to dance at a gas station. Maybe this is subtle advertising to get people to look forward to going to the gas stations again. I remember back when I was in high school and were we bitching about gas going over $2/gallon. I remember my senior year in high school, I rarely had to spend more than $10 to fill up my car. Nowadays, we're ecstatic when gas gets close to $3/gallon and celebrate when it goes under $3/gallon. So sorry, unless I see Nine Muses at a gas station, I'm still going to be unhappy about going there paying $20-$25 to fill up my car every week. (Yeah, I know some of you are probably thinking: "Shut the fuck up AKF, I would lick Hyoyeon's butthole to only have to pay $20 to fill up my car since I have to spend $50+ to do it." Well, when I was accustomed to filling up my car for $10 a week, $25 a week sucks ass.) 


  1. I agree with you in that they did good in keeping the rap short. I usually watch the music shows and I seriously got scared watching Eunji's body. She is soooooo thin, it almost looks as if she is going to disappear. Look at 2:10 --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuG-EBrQYk0
    The only reason why I like 9muses is because of SERA and KYUNGRI. It is sad that out of the 9 members I only like 2, but oh well...
    And also, you have to give them some points for not dancing in a fucking box.

  2. Thank gawd I started liking them since they released News, and all their title songs following that release I like very much. Who's that guy? :3

    1. Johannes Rosenthal.
      P.s. Kyungri and Hyuna look hot as fuck.

    2. Johannes Rosenthal... ? LOL

    3. Ahh, I knew he had to be half Asian. Very unfortunate/confusing name though, but I get it. My husband is also half Korean half German and has a long unfortunate Dutch last name.

    4. Wait, your boyfriend is half German but has a Dutch last name? What the hell went wrong?

    5. His dad's German, his mom is Korean but she was adopted and that family's last name is Dutch. His mom and dad never married so he has his mom's adopted last name.

      Funniest part about it is the Dutch name actually means "from " (I won't say it because I don't want my name here but you get the idea).

    6. sorry, "from -city in Germany-"

  3. I only know Sera because she's pretty awesome and her Twitter is decent to follow and Kyung Ri because the tadpole guy. I don't really care about the rest, but this song was decent.

  4. Wild is an awesome song, what are you talking about? Anyways, I love the video. They look really hot especially Hyuns *drools*

  5. Guy is about as pretty as the girls, kpop vids needs more hunky guys

  6. Song is ok, nothing special but still better than 80% of kpop singles dropped out this year so far. They're easily one of the most attractive girl groups in history, but circle lenses suck.

    1. Yes Yes YES, circle lenses suck. It makes me uncomfortable too look at their faces when people wear them.

    2. who cares when this song is way better than anything SNSD or 2ne1 or Kara or ____(insert any female group except T-ara) have released so far?

  7. The other songs in the album are pretty good too

  8. Wait is this the group that did the poor man's version of AKB48's Heavy Rotation? There's so many groups and they're all so alike.

    Song wasn't bad, the video looked nice too. Actually I just want to know who that guy is.

    1. They sure were.

  9. I like them, discovered Ticket a few months ago and I've pretty much liked all their lead singles and other songs since!


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