Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lee Hyori likes fugs

We all know the "shocking" revelation between Hyori and...that...thing...she's dating. She recently stated that she didn't like men who were too attractive.

Then there's this quote from when the news of the relationship broke out: “Both have a common interest in animal protection; in fact, they began dating after working for a charity album in the summer.”

Hyori goes from animal protection to animal dating. Hyori, there were fans that wanted to see you in a sex tape, but not one where you engaged in bestiality.

I'll never be able to look at Hyori the same again when I see pics like that. I'll just be thinking of something like this:

fucking Hyori.


  1. Well, I remember a long time ago that she wanted a man that can control her and was not intimidated by her wealth, her outgoing personality, her "force" 포스. So maybe this guy can do all of that, plus he likes dogs~! Really, as women get older, importance of looks really goes down. I really do wish her to be happy... It could be worse. She could be dating Lee Teuk!!! Much fuglier than this dude, considering all the surgery Lee Teuk's done!

  2. You claim to be against K-Pop fangirls, but you're often just as shallow and idiotic as the are. Grow up.

  3. Fucking agree @ 5:18 pm.

    Grow the fuck up and change that ignorant fuck up attitude of yours. You're just the same as the rest of the fangirls and netizens.

  4. I think there needs to be more people like Lee Hyori tbh who realize that there is more to people than just a pretty face.

  5. When I first saw Hyori's bf, I was genuinely shocked. I guess I'm personally not at her maturity level where I could go for a guy like that.

    I really didn't think girls like her would go for guys like him, but honestly I really respected her decision.

    Life is short, but at the same time, a hot guy's attention span is shorter.

  6. what's with the two crybabies above?

  7. I just can't believe you are picking on this sexy goddess. I am very upset. Her boyfriend is handsome too.

  8. ^ Didn't you have like 3 blog posts dedicated to hating on her BF? lol

  9. Maybe he has a really big dick and can jackhammer the shit out of her until she blacks out from orgasming. In any case, her bf is a hell of a lot better looking than the majority of the guys who fap to her pictures. At least he ain't a fat, poor piece of shit with a pea brain.

  10. Can you make fb group

  11. @akfg lol yeah!

    he is fugly! Gawd damn!

  12. I always thought hyori was shallow as fuck

  13. ^
    And you obviously don't know her. I don't either in fact, uh...

    Anyway I enjoy reading this blog, but sometimes you guys are as insane as the fangirls. Is it some kind of creepy humor, or are you as shallow and stupid as those fandoms?

  14. Hush. It gives hope to other fuglies.

  15. this blog used to be funny when you were just hating on the fangirls, but now that you're acting like shallow, cockblocked fanboys yourself...
    as the others said: grow the hell up

  16. Anybody can date anybody, call me when they get married

  17. Grow some balls haters its been a slow news week

  18. lmfao, gotta give it to you, this one was funny. that guy is the stuff from nightmares. and all the pressed little 12yos here need to take a chill pill or gtfo


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