Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Se7en's Somebody Else

What the fuck is this? Se7en is from YG but he can actually sing in Japanese. What the fuck is going on here?

I really have nothing to say about this song. It's good and I'm surprised someone from YG has a good song in Japanese. I expected a whole bunch of diarrhea. Then I went and listened to some other Se7en songs and found them good too. I'm just so used to Stephen Hawking singing all of 2NE1's songs that I forgot that YG had someone like Se7en.


  1. Of course Seven is good! YG Baby. :P

  2. thats really something solid from yg. ygex. LOL the mv was really good too :O it wasnt in a box.


  4. SNSD needs to meet up with Se7en for some tips.

  5. He's one of the few artists who work their asses off when promoting in another country. I think he learned japanese and lived in Japan for a while. I can't remember. Props to him for not half assing it.

  6. Dear @CombatBaby,
    A lot of love for ya.
    Sincerely ME.. :*

  7. yeah, agree, this song is legit. So much better than the other bullshit paraded before us by other YG artists.......

  8. he's really really good at english too. he studied linguistics and shit with YG so his japanese and english accents are really good not to mention he's pretty much fluent. i wish they let se7en out of the jungle more often

  9. Who's the girl on the top of the page?
    With the red lipstick?

  10. fuck YG for pushing Se7en aside. this guy is one of the few really talented artists in the k-pop scene.

  11. uhm. music wise this sounds like something 2ne1 could pull off too. just with a crazier concept.

    se7en just has the more likeable voice. maybe a better japanese, too, i can't judge that.

  12. That's because Se7en actually had to work for everything he's accomplished. When you compare his efforts to newer idols these days (SNSD included) he tries much harder than they do AND has more natural talent.

    Both he and Gummy are alike in that aspect, and they're both fluent in Japanese as well. Big Bang and 2NE1 need to take personal lessons from him instead of just circle jerking each other.

  13. @2:02 Just stfu. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. "Maybe" better Japanese? I think you need to back the hell up and go watch the clip of the YGEX press conference. He was speaking fluent fucking Japanese.

  14. well, he already had a career in Japan before the flood... when you had to actually learn Japanese if you wanted to go there and sing.

  15. Him, Rain, Gummy and pretty much most artists who were working from like 2003 or a bit before, that generation of kpop artists really did put a lot of effort into their work and fan base. Now you get "artists" who half ass it and rely on auto tune and cleverly packaged marketing to get album sales and shit.

  16. Se7en debuted in Japan in 2005, so he has handful singles and an album in Japanese.

    I recommend watching his "I Know" (Nan Arayo) performances back in 2006. Great voice and amazing dance and moves (handstand, gainer, etc).

    I Know + Come Back to Me

  17. Or rather just this video of I Know:

    The previous link has Come Back to Me cut off x_x

    But I think solo artists don't get much attention compared to groups.

  18. I love when SE7EN is let out of the dungeons of YG. He never disappoints me. He's one of the few extremely talented in kPop. It really sucks he lost a number of fans because he's with PHB....fangirls are so stupid. IDGAF who he's fucking as long as he stays making good music like this

  19. I like Se7en's both Korean and Japanese songs. I really loved "Hikari" from him. BoA speaks Japanese fluently as well(from the older generation)

  20. jkhdasflkjdashf I love that YG didn't remake his songs~ THANK YOU YG YOU ARE GOOD JOB~ (- -)b

  21. Agreed with what I read in comments SE7EN has actual talent and his refusal to lip sync makes me give him props


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