Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Yellow Fever - White Female Edition

That is how I imagine some of these white Kpop fangirls. No need to ditch white penis for kimchi penises. Korean guys like all girls, unless they're black. But since you're white, you still have a slight chance. Looking like Alison Brie wouldn't hurt any.


  1. Holy fuck, that is some serious obsession/delusionalism there.

    I don't think she knows that there's also plenty of fugs (if not more) in Korea, China and Japan. She is so gonna be disappointed when she goes to either of those countries herself TROLOLOL.

  2. Did they know that there's ugly and beautiful ppl everywhere right?
    I just want to throw a gigantic shoe to those fangirls who think that every fking asian guy looks like an idol

  3. ^This
    I want to punch girls like these. They go around and tell people how much they love "asian" guys (coughcoughonlykoreanguyscough) ONLY because of those kdramas and kpop. Honestly, their OPPARRRS look nothing like everyday asian/korean dudes but of course these koreaboos are too delusional to see that.

  4. if a fangirl talk about daesung than this would be acceptable
    coz hes normal korean guy face yo!

    1. eekk...delusional fangurls!she probly never seen a normal kguyz!!!unless she mean she is planning to date k-celebrity which is also ewww..coz they looks gurly!!!

      daesung already leap out on the normal k-guy train he's polished now!!!

    2. you mean kwanghee before surgery.

    3. kwanghee can never leave that train,he's promoting his achievements there okay!!!daesung on the other hand is a member of a group who lacks on the preferred korean requirements like face,height,massive navel holes but they make up for it by having a swaggishly swags.I mean,they can get away in sniffing weeds and running over people so they are so bad ass!!!plus they are hanging with TOP who has a charismatic angstiness aura.

    4. Daesung has blossomed into a sexy man. Much like how Minji will in a few more years

  5. The only reason why there aren't that many Male Asian/White Female couples is that usually white chicks don't go for Asian guys. I'm sure she isn't going to have any trouble snagging that Korean meat.

  6. I like this post its entertaining

  7. Onew can help you burn your fat with his dubulge

  8. This article was just an excuse to post some Alison Brie, I like it.

    1. I was going to post some pics of Mila Kunis, along with Han Ye Seul and Kim Tae Hee saying crap like "Korean guys don't care what race you are as long the girl makes their pants tighter," but Alison Brie is enough hotness for one article.

  9. wow! loosing so much weight for just a month?
    if only she did it for the right reason (and method) then i would probably be praising her now.
    but nooooo, this is clearly idiocy/stupidity and downright delusional-ism.

  10. I love Annies boobs, her actual boob, not the monkey....

  11. I don't know what she is talking about but she suffers from some serious self esteem issues. So she is a typical fan girl. There is more white women and Asian men support than anything else.

    I've been liking Asian culture since I was a child. I have a deep respect to them since so much between Asian and black culture are similar.

    But to date one? I'm so use to white men and feeling the comfort of acceptance not only through him but his family.

    With Asian and how they feel towards those who are non-white but of another minority is very negative.

    I ask myself why bother? Finding an open minded Asian male that isn't ignorant or white lady worshiping is a hassle.

    I guess that is why I understand why some Asian women pick the white guy over the Asian guy or sometimes the black guy.

    Not always about money or the stereotype sometimes its the attitude of that culture that can turn a person away. Just tantamount to Asian parents saying don't bring home a black one but feel lost when their child brings home a white one.

    I think my mother would be shock if I brought home an Asian boy but would exclude him or make him feel unwelcome.

    Can't say that for Asians much

    or maybe I'm wrong. I'm mixed with Black/Spanish/Italian being multiracial doesn't bother me like some others.

  12. **oops wouldn't exclude

  13. Alison Brie is one of the hottest white girls right now. Good pick for the article.

  14. I'm here for the troll lulz

    I really hope she's a troll

  15. It's also sad when Asian boys realized Pink (white) girls don't look like Alison Brie but they look like fucking cotton candy with their fugly pink skin, manly huge humped noses and fat rolls everywhere.

  16. that's her reason for having an eating disorder?
    Lol sounds like one of those stupid privileged kids who were never hit as kids and don't have a single problem in their lives, so they make one up.

  17. A self imposed eating disorder? Now I know they are just stupid. Fortunately for her I actually know tones of friends who are in a white girl / Asian guy relationship (one couple is married with an ugly kid (sorry)). Even a white girl / Asian girl couple. So there is hope out there for her.

  18. Sarcasm anyone?

    Mila Kunis plz.

    Anyone wanna show Shindog or pre-surgery Kwanghee to dat bitch? It'd be my pleasure

  19. "Korean guys like all girls, unless they're black"
    Exactly. The bitch needs to stop crying :\

  20. Badly need to slap someone right now...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. First of all why the hell is she throwing up her food? Vomit tastes disgusting and why risk the chance of eroding teeth. Just buy a pack of suppositories and get it on and pooping. Bonus: They provide a nice tingling sensation in your lower back during insertion.

    Second of all I hope this poor thing realizes that the malnourished, girly boys, dancing around with skin tight jeans and pounds of make-up on their face are not a true depiction of Asian men or any men for that matter.

    Third of all black women are loved by all men. Most of them are just too afraid to admit it out loud.

    Fourth of all kimchi penis is pretty good. I tried some last month and was pleasantly surprised.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Wow this site is one of the most racist sites I've seen. LOL, whoever started this site is either a real envious jealous asian girl who is delusional or a redneck racist. either way..................its all a sham people. imagine if some of the stuff thats being said in here were said about Hispanic or Black people......how it would be seriously construed as racist!! But it doesn't matter most of the racist idiots in here are drinking that ridiculously naive Kool Aid that Hollywood racist white male producers, directors and writers are pitching about Asians. LOL, and most of you don't even know how retarded you are blindly being brain washed by Hollywood. If there was any white singing group as talented as BTS (korean group), the white male dominated media heads would be all of them, pushing and promoting them. how come a group like One Direction who has half the talent of BTS gets so much American media publicity? One direction sings and thats it. BTS can sing, rap, dance and write and choreograph most of their own songs and dances. LOL.....come on racist trolls, get out from behind your keyboard and talk the "bold key board warrior" non sense in a real setting where you would get your stereotypical racists arguments blown up. LOL, you crackers make me chuckle. but I'm glad I found this site, now I whenever I want to be amused and laugh, I will come in here to read some of the racist behind the keyboard clowns. LOL, LOL!


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