Monday, February 16, 2015


It may come as a surprise to you recent influx of readers from various locales and states of asspainery, but we've managed to cross the 15 million view threshold!! 

After nearly 4 years of trolling, racism, sexism, sensationalism, slander, MS paint dick painting, cultural appropriation, objectifying women, homophobia, clickbaitery, and overall degeneracy, we've managed to stumble on the winning formula to keep dragging your eyeballs here on a daily basis. Whether you're here to fap, troll, or god forbid, actually discuss KPop without being crucified as a heretic, we here at Antikpopfangirl wish to sincerely thank you for all of your attention throughout the years.

We literally would not be here today without your continued support and loyal (somewhat) readership, and I can hardly believe all the wonderful things that we've accomplished. From our humble beginnings to reaching mainstream status when people actually wanted us to go to KCON, it's been a wild ride. I can't tell you how much hate mail we've gotten over the years, but every time someone tells us something like "Thanks to AKF, I realized how childish and delusional I was being in regards to my KPop," we know the world has become a (very very very) slightly better place. That or it's become a shittier one because we've converted another person into buying our twisted rhetoric of women-beating and racial oppression.

If only we monetized the site all this time...

Here's to the next milestone!


  1. It's time for me to comment with my other 14 accounts. I just hope I can remember the password to my sulli_fag account since I haven't used it in a while.

    1. I'm pretty sure the password had the word butthole in it, but I don't remember the rest.

    2. I thought the password had something about ass?

    3. I figured it out, the password is *******

    4. We all know the Kpopalypse one is yoloswag42069rainafageunjunf
      The sulli_fag one is probably sullisbuttholeisbest

    5. Which email went to which account...

    6. Kpopalypse password is "ioppresswomenandminoritiesjustbybreathing"

    7. I thought it was "pussyhunter2..."

    8. Nah, that was the old password. Its set to change every 72 days to prevent fangirls from exposing what my head looked like before it was struck with androgenic alopecia.

  2. Just also want to say thanks to all you UCAADs... oops I left myself logged into the Kpopalypse account...

  3. To celebrate this milestone, I'll tell you a secret. Actually this is also my (AKF's) account. I made it to comment on articles.

  4. 14.9 million of those views were from people searching for "Naked pics of SNSD".

  5. I already viewed this post 3 times, still 15 million views???

  6. I am actually the only person that writes comments and also own all the accounts.

    AKF, we two are just having a really complex multi-level discussion.

  7. I'm the mom, nagged at to come here and increase views.

  8. lol i don't even know what i'm doing with this account anymore

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Congrats bitches :) hope you all dream with Han Ye Seul's butthole tonight.. you all deserve it

  11. Congrats. Or something or other. Can't believe so many people spent valuable time here. Amazing. Utterly amazing.

  12. The "W" in "Views" in Yura's sign looks like sagging boobs.

  13. This site has been pretty awesome from day one. Well done.

  14. Well done 4 years of hard fapping and fighting off hordes of prepubescent fan girls payed off. :)


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