Monday, April 7, 2014

[MV Review] NS YoonG - Yasisi

NS YoonG returns with an amazing spectacle of an MV to say the least to kickoff her new album release. HOW DOES IT FARE?

Now with official subtitles!!

After seeing the teasers for this music video, I was understandably hype. You can't blame me, NS YoonG is one of the most gorgeous women in KPop right now and her discography usually does not disappoint. Thankfully, the visual aspect of her performance is still as good as ever.

You think this MV is just sexy writhing and hip-shaking from NS YoonG (and you'd be 70% correct), but there's actually a devious, devious storyline buried between NS YoonG's lovely hips. I've taken the liberty of gif-ing the storyline and providing the captions for what's going on in the story.

*italics indicate internal monologue*

As you can see, the story line matches well with the song's lyrical content. NS YoonG plays a wily lesbian who seduces men, only to leave them blueballed like shit because she's a bitch like that. The lyrics are blatantly sexual (almost like a slap to the face to anyone still trying to say "KPOP IS INNOCENT") to the point where the song title and chorus explicitly say "It's sexual."

I personally like the lyrics because it doesn't pretend to be something its not. There's no room for deep interpretation, you can't pretend it's innocent, and it's kind of refreshing to hear a woman sing about sex like this. Of course, it's all a big cocktease, but the intent still stands. 

Visually speaking, NS YoonG's MV packs a huge punch to the face. She's a gorgeous girl with a rocking body, and her dance/outfits only emphasize that fact. Like I said earlier, most of the MV is her writhing and shaking her hips BUT IS THAT SO WRONG?

Prolly my favorite dance part.
She's hypnotizing.
The backup dancers' absolute lack of ass only serves to make NS YoonG's so
much better to look at.
Men as props? That's new. Not really.
Oh my. If you're an ass kind of person, this MV joins a criminally short list of wonderful MVs for you. NS YoonG's hair, make up, and wardrobe are on point, if not on the safe side.

Going back to the actual song itself, I found it rather nice. It's a safe midtempo song that doesn't stray too far off the beaten path, and NS YoonG doesn't reach for notes she can't hit. Like many songs these days, the accompanying track is full of big brassy instruments, but it isn't too overstated. I will say that it's a little on the Engrishy at times, which NS YoonG really has no excuse for. She speaks perfectly fluent English, but I suppose the songwriters are to blame and she mentally shoots herself in the face every time she says something like "I'm say yoo~ hoo~."

My most major gripe with the song is the shitty dance break inserted at the end. The song was chugging along perfectly fine up until then, so the sudden jarring derailing of the song pissed me off a great deal. Sigh. At least there was no shitty guest rapper, or shoddily put-together attempt to rap from her.

If you're trying to take a look at the other songs on the album, this song is the only the second best one in my opinion. "미친 I" is a much better song, and I think it would have done well as a lead single. It's an interesting tango-inspired uptempo song, you should definitely take a look at this one at least. I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be a companion-style pair of songs in "If I Love You" and "If You Love Me," but I wasn't too interested in them to be honest. 

Who could be when you've got NS YoonG in a lovely one-piece?
And don't forget the obligatory "emerges-out-of-pool" scene that comes with
a bathing suit MV.
TL;DR: NS YoonG is hot.

  • NS YoonG is hot
  • NS YoonG is in a swimsuit
  • NS YoonG is wet
  • the song's decent
  • NS YoonG is hot
  • story line is funny to me, idk why
  • the song is kinda boring
  • a little Engrishy at times
  • wtf dance break
I give this song a solid 3.25 out of 5.


  1. I remember listening to "reason I became a witch" a long time ago and being beyond unimpressed

    This track sounds a lot better though, at least...

  2. Song is actually pretty decent

    Also I would tap that guy, he's legit hotter than like 99% of male kpop idols

    1. He's the type of Asian dude you see ALL THE FUCKING TIME here in Canada. It's like we fucking mass-produce this specific breed of guy.

      If you want one just come and take one, nobody will notice because we've got like 30 replacements waiting to be put in his place :/

    2. You serious? With the perfect facial hair as well?

      Man I wish I have that kind of facial hair, I never look masculine :<

    3. It's something in the water over in Canada, everyone is more grizzled and burly. Probably bear semen.

    4. I could grow a respectable beard when I was 15. I guess i can I blame the elevated levels of bear semen in our water for that.

    5. 15? I'm 21 and my facial hair is pretty much negligible

      Damn where can I get this bear semen lol

    6. Found this, just for you guys. It's Bear Semen, some super energy drink. If you want real semen, you'd be better off just giving a bear some head, assuming he doesn't tear your head off.

    7. I was going to mention that about the guy in the MV and asian guys here in Canada. LOL.

  3. At this point I'm convinced the G stands for "Goddess" cuz that's exactly what the fuck she is.

    And please tell me you wrote "smang" as a reference to Flynt Flossy and Young Humma xD

  4. it's g because that's what she hopes to gradually increase her cup size to

  5. All those gifs made this so funny. I think there was a scene where he was sitting with her at the table and he was yawning or if you froze it, he looked like he jizzed in his pants.

  6. She looks amazing in those office clothes but the yellow/white/black patterned leotard thing she spends 60% of the video wearing is murder on my eyes.

    1. It looks like she found Rorschach's mask in a dump covered in piss and just stretched it over her body. At least when her music career is over and she needs some quick cash she can rejoice knowing she looks great covered in piss :D

  7. Those captions are going by way too fucking fast, man. You should have slowed down the gif to make them easily readable.

    I think her face looks pretty place. Unlike Soyeon's wonderful plastic face, I don't dig it. I can't help but find her unlikeable.
    Song's ok.

  8. It was an all right song until she started saying "Ladies! Fellas!" in a shrill voice.

  9. no one's gonna review crayon punk's oi? :<

    1. Fuck you, it'll come out when it does. All of my articles will be scheduled from now, which means things will inevitably come out late.

  10. Zaku, thanks to you and your caption on Yoon-G saying: "I only love the pussy" I will dream about Yoon-G and hope to never wake up.

    1. I have a special article series coming out soon that you might enjoy. ;D

  11. Hey no one going to review that akdong kids mv? Actually I like their song melted more but 200% is not bad either

    1. Sorry that we have more important things to do than to review shit as soon as it comes out. We have lives. Shit gets posted when it gets posted.

  12. Who's the man in the mv? I think, i ever saw him


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