Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Yay For Mandy Wei

What a pleasant surprise. This was the first thing I saw on Facebook when I woke up today (April 9th). Honestly, the only thing I use Facebook these days for is to follow pages of TV shows, websites, celebrities, etc. because I'd rather see pics of Mandy Wei's cleavage than seeing the one millionth picture of someone's kid(s).

Sure, babies are cute and all, but everyone doesn't need to know every little thing and see every little picture of your baby. I bet all of the baby pictures I have would honestly only be a week's worth of pictures in today's age.

Anyway, bless Mandy for making my Facebook timeline tolerable to look at this morning.


  1. I never even had a crapbook account.
    But these pics make me question my choice.

    1. Honestly, Facebook has basically become a second Twitter for me in that I basically use it to follow celebrities, sports pages, TV show pages, etc. Most people post crap no one cares about ("Hey dawg, drank my tenth beer of the night and threw up everywhere", "Here's the 15th picture of my baby today", etc.), so I rarely use it for what it was intended for.

  2. In the first pic, is that just a weird camera perspective/angle or is her body abnormally narrow?

    She's like a stick with tits.

    1. Are you trying to say that's not the perfect waifu body type ?

    2. When you say waifu do you refer to thing involving anime characters or the term meaning wife?

  3. Oh and she looks cuter without makeup (my opinion.)

  4. When u want to get married? Haha


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