Sunday, October 5, 2014

[MV Review] Ailee - Don't Touch Me

Ailee came out with Don't Touch Me a couple of weeks ago and I completely missed it. I wish I didn't discover the fact that the song came out.

When the song first started, I actually had some hope for the song. "It wasn't going to be a ballad," I thought. I enjoy ballads, but I don't want to hear them as promotional tracks. I don't like reviewing ballads either because "he/she sings well and I have nothing else to really say" would make for a boring-as-shit review. But no, my hopes dashed quickly as the song progressed.

I was hoping for a stronger instrumental, but the instrumental is completely overpowered by Ailee's vocalfagging. The section of the song which this really hurts is the chorus. I was expecting the beat to dominate during the chorus to make the song catchier to listen to, but all it does is get a little louder, which makes Ailee scream her notes even higher during the chorus.

The song itself isn't bad. I find the beat to be passable. It's good enough to make one listen to the song at least one, but it isn't dynamic enough to draw one in for repeated listening. Composers seem to be shying away from allowing the instrumental to shine during an Ailee song by having her belt notes all over the place. If Ailee toned things down a bit and composers weren't so conservative with Ailee's songs, we could have a winner on our hands.

But that's wishful thinking, and in reality will probably never happen. As it is, this is another listenable, but not great, track from Ailee that will satisfy her core fans while boring just about everyone else.


  1. I didn't really like the song, and Ailee looked absolutely dead in the eyes during the whole MV.

    1. She lost a lot of weight recently, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's exhausted.

  2. Replies
    1. I honestly thought that said "no pen" it took me awhile to figure out u were saying "nope"

  3. Huh I thought this song is pretty good :d

  4. "dedicated to johnny and his tiny penis"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank goodness for that "t=18" or people would actually know what was going on, huh?
      Die in a fire you delusional little shit.

    2. All I said snsd is becoming a mess after their performance in japan and i messed up the youtube link :/

  6. *click the vid* halfway through, "abort mission!"

  7. Ailee is looking the best she ever has but the song is ass, guess the days of "Heaven" and "I'll Show You" are firmly in the past.

  8. It's an okay song, nothing special. I can't say it's bad but I can't say it's good either. She's disappointed me with this release and her last one. Heaven was my favourite from her, I want something like that.

  9. I liked this better than her past couple releases. It's less generic and actually has a little bit more substance than "Hey, look! Ailee can sing!"

  10. Her songs are getting more and more old-fashioned.
    First it was U&I, now this.
    Still prefer Heaven.


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