Wednesday, October 15, 2014

[MV Review] Song Ji Eun - Don't Look At Me Like That

I didn't know that Jieun had made a comeback until a few days ago. Surprisingly, this song wasn't composed by Duble Sidekic. Unsurprisingly, Jieun's title track is composed to Duble Sidekick.

I read that this song was supposed to feature Bang Yong Guk but thank God almighty that shit fell through. Bang Yong Guk single-handedly made "Going Crazy" go from a great track to one that I listen to once in a while. His severe lack of flow is so unappealing that I would rather rip out a goat's entrails and squeeze the shit out into my mouth than to listen to Bang Yong Guk's rapping.

I love how the song starts off with the piano, gradually adds the guitar, and then the song goes all out once the chorus comes around. The song builds up effectively to the chorus, which is strong without having to rely on vocal wanking. That is honestly the main reason why I love Jieun because she doesn't vocal wank in her/Secret's songs and stays within the framework of the song. Good vocals can add to a song and make them sound better if the vocalist isn't trying to outshine the song's instrumental.

The song is supposed to be about accepting unconventional love and all that hippy shit, but the real travesty is that the MV director didn't take advantage of the chains around Jieun to show her in bondage. Now that would have been an awesome MV, not because of the bondage scenes, but to see Korean keyboard warriors complain about the music video. The director missed out on a golden opportunity here, and that's really the only blemish with the song and music video.


  1. Song touches my heart... ;_;

    Ok that's fucking gay who says that.

    While the song talks about the untraditional love (same-sex, different race), it conveys the message in a very weak and vague manner. I believe that the director wanted to address that being gay is okay, but got kinda scared of the backlash and diluted the subject matter in a way, so that different race love is also included, because korea is still pretty freaking close minded. and also I think different race couples are more widely accepted compared to same-sex couples.

    Song reminds me alot of Seung Yeon's 'Guilty'

    1. oh and she just released another MV for a song (non-ballad) and without BYG, called twenty-five, you should check it out, I think it's pretty good too.

      Speaking of homosexuality in korea, "Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon wants same-sex marriage in Korea as first in Asia"

    2. Interestingly, because the lyrics are vague and weak, I find it interesting that the lyrics can be applied in many situations such as idols dating as fans getting pissed.
      Fans, get a life.

  2. Jieun = No vocal wanking

    No vocal wanking = Good song

  3. To be fair it is hard to that when the music shows now no longer count 19+ mvs as part of the ratings. So taboo subjects are forever gimped

  4. I think some vocal wanking can be good when it's used in the right way. I love this song though; it's the best one she's done I think. Not so fussed on the actual single pretty 25 I think it's called.

  5. Jieun is awesome. Her and Lee Mishelle's releases made me weep tears of joy.

  6. I'd rather listen to her+BYG than to listen to TTS' Holler.


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