Monday, August 1, 2016

Oh My Girl's A-ing Is Both Boring And Weird

This is ... sure something!

Windy Day was such an incredible left-field weirdo delight. This appears to be set in a  indoor hippie grow-op. And I'm sorry, I just can't handle an adult man yelling at teen Korean girls in Jamaican patois. Reggaeton-inspired is one thing, but good heavens.

Like many Oh My Girl songs, this grows on you after multiple listens. But it's not up to the standard of their previous songs -- not even close. Why would you cover this of all things!? Inexplicable.

UPDATED TO ADD: This has been stuck in my head consistently since this review was posted. I can only assume this is part of Oh My Girl's larger revenge plot.


  1. I don't like the song at all tbh. I literally just got into them this week, and I'm suprised at what a step back this was. The weird adult guys shouting, the way all of their voices sound the same (though that's all of their songs, I still don't know why), it just bugs me.

  2. The opening and even the accompaniment reminds me of the Carlito song.

    It's not too bad, it has that unique sound, though if they were trying to be catchy, the chorus melody is so-so.

  3. It may be a step down from their previous releases but I actually really like the song.

  4. Windy Day was so good. Literally got chills when I first heard the chorus. I hope other K-Pop groups would explore that kind of sound in the future. The only K-Pop song that I know of from my limited knowledge of K-Pop that has an arabic influence is Milk by f(x). Does anyone knows any other songs?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. lol a remake isnt even conaidered a comeback. So i agree that this isnt as par with their other songs. If this is a NEW song then......yay

  7. I thought Haha and Skull would also join the MV then I realize that would be too weird

  8. I like it. Great summertime chill song.

  9. City Beach Oppa 6015August 2, 2016 at 9:05 AM

    Not super exciting, just a Juniors presentation of some reggae. Maybe let them invite some boys .

  10. I love it. I'm not sure why but I've always been a fan of Caribbean sounding music. "Liar Liar" and "Windy Day" are better but I can see myself listening to this a lot too.

  11. shit and boring compared to 'Windy Day', but it's sadly one of the better recent releases on kpop.

  12. I still think that Closer is their best track, though this is catchy.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    this is the original song, from a taiwan singer and at that time (about 12 years ago) was pretty popular. The "a-ing" pronunciation is pretty much the original song pronunciation of "love you" in chinese.

    1. The original was actually by a south Korean girl group called papaya. They released a-ng/ listen to me in 2000.

  15. Either way, I'd still let YooA step on my face.

  16. This is actuallt the song that makes me pay attention to OMG & search for their previous songs. I like it bc the reggae feels


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