Monday, August 1, 2011

First Impressions of Super Junior's "Mr. Simple"

So when I first heard about Super Junior's comeback I was excited for it. While I don't think Super Junior is as good as ELFs like to shove down everyone else's throats, Suju has some good title tracks and I love Super Junior M (They consists of the more useful members).

Then they released the first teaser picture and I just thought "Wow..." and then more pictures were released and I didn't even know what to think anymore. They even called the concept "ubersexual" and it made my cry a little.

But then the first music video teaser was released and I had a change of heart. The members weren't dressed in overly flamboyant outfits like I was expecting them to be and the song was very elevator music like. The background and suits also reminded me of "Sorry Sorry" and "Bonamana" but it's better than what their concept pictures were.

Finally I listened to "Mr. Simple" and became confused. It wasn't the song I was expecting, but it doesn't mean I think it's bad. I like the song. Super Junior stuck with what they are good at which is catchy hook-injected dance tracks. Though I hate the rap part in "Mr. Simple". It kind of makes me hate the song a little bit. I could deal with it in "Sorry Sorry" and Bonamana", but in "Mr. Simple" it just sounds terrible.

I also listened to the other songs and most of them range from average to meh. Though I do like "Opera". It reminds me of Super Junior M's "Perfection".

So in conclusion my first impressions of Super Junior's comeback is good. I was taken on an emotional roller coaster from the day their comeback was announced, and I ended up somewhat satisfied at the end.

Just need to wait for the music video now and then their performances.

ELFs will tell you (not like it's unexpected) that this song/album/comeback/concept/music video/performance is the best goddamn thing since sliced bread, but it's not. Though it isn't that bad and if you like Super Junior's previous title tracks you will probably like this one. If you don't you then who cares.


  1. i loved sorry and bonamana. i hated perfection, super girl and will now add mr simple to suju songs that i hate. seriously? so much promote for such a mediocre song

  2. I'm a HUGE SUJU fan and i always say this, their title songs are never my favorite songs in their album, i actually didn't like Sorry Sorry at first but then it's just one of those songs that creeps up on u (kinda like how i hate SNSD's Gee but dang it i know that song and the dance moves but that can never happen for Oh! NEVER). Back to what i was saying, personally i prefer Mr. Simple to Bonamana (really didn't like it nor the album) and this album is actually better than Minah also, which is all i wanted from their comeback...Didn't expect anything great just wanted an album that's better than Minah and i got what i wanted so i'm happy with it so far....

  3. I literally can't keep still while listening to this song. It's really catchy and gets me really hyped up. Can't wait for the MV to see the dance.

  4. Fail(x)'s album was so much better.

  5. i love it ;] but it's cuz it's very Suju. It keeps with their style

    their best? prob not. they were never the best musically though so i didn't have monumental expectations?

  6. everything is autotuned then people complain about 2NE1 lol, double standards much?

  7. fucking horrible Super Gays sure live up to it's reputation as the most overrated boy/girl group EVER! i know 2pm's comeback song is crap but this tops it all, fucking irritating repetitive sounds plus hella annoying AUTOTUNE and this fucking retarded elfs don't call it autotune fuckin delusional at it's best!

  8. Does this sound like a bollywood song to anyone else? Because it sure does to me.

    I really want to hate this song, but I can't. It's too goddamn catchy.

  9. I am not hating on suju or anything, but it makes me a little sad that an okay song like that will still do better than better songs promoting like infinite's new single (don't even know about them tbh but that song is so damn good) just because they are suju from sm. I guess that goes for most idols though...

  10. "but it doesn't mean I think it's bad" and "So in conclusion my first impressions of Super Junior's comeback is good" - fuck u whoever this author is ur fucking out of ur mind just be fucking realistic and don't be nice 'mr simple' is as simple as 'SHIT' this site should be antikpopfangirls now it's not living to it's own name T_T

  11. Elfs say EARGASM but the truth is it's EARBLEED, worst song of the decade trolololol

  12. and the elfs will pursue this album to be album of the year?! mindfuck! they sure love eating crap that super gays shitting

  13. i'd tried listening to their new song but it made me appreciate hands up more lol kudos 2pm

  14. sounds like bonanamamaemaemama something...but don't play it too much because it's got that catchy disease about it....

    i just hope august goes by...REAL quickly

  15. they brought autotune to another level i hope they perform it with those gigolo outfits, i might enjoy watching them with mute on :D

  16. All the songs sounded similar to me. Must be the amount of autotune they used. My ears are bleeding. I'm such a fucktard for ever thinking that Big Bang is the master of autotune. Apparently, SuJu rapes the autotune more than they do.

  17. As an SJ stan and all around kpop fan of several years, I like the whole album.

    "ur just a stoopid biased elf"

    You know, I'm really tired of hearing that shit. There are SJ songs that I don't like. It's bullshit when people say "if you don't love all of their songs then you're not a true fan." I openly dislike some of their songs. However on this album, I genuinely like all of the songs.

    Super Junior wasn't created as a group that would ALL be great at singing and dancing. They were meant to be a group of entertainers each trained in their own area while promoting in Super Junior. That way after SJ ends, they'll all have something to do.

    The autotune in the song isn't there to make them sound better, it's there because it's a style of music now. It's used everywhere to capture a certain sound. They're not autotuned live so I don't see what the problem is in using it in the song.

    And why are people comparing them to 2NE1? 2NE1 autotuned an entire album. Not all of the tracks on this SJ album are autotuned.

    Not really understanding all of the hate.

  18. ELF= ever lasting FUCKtards, this album is so bad they want it to win album of the year stupid delusional cunts ur oppars will never marry u co'z they love dicks than ur pussy :)

  19. @mynameisnotsuzy-"And why are people comparing them to 2NE1? 2NE1 autotuned an entire album. Not all of the tracks on this SJ album are autotuned."

    fuck u double standard much? if u haven't listened to To Anyone album don't lie i'm not a blowjob but i heard all of their songs i mean thus 'it hurts' 'love is ouch' reggae er of idc doesn't ring a bell? their prev full album which u call "2ne1 autotuned an entire album" is not entirely ur sarcasm will not work with me either and that's the truth fuck don't lie u DELUSIONAL FREAK! long live anti kpop fangirl!

  20. I like this song and maybe 2 other songs on the album.

    The rest of the album is trash though.

  21. fuck all these new authors are fail, i miss reading all posts of old authors it's much more entertaining...seriously :(

  22. it's catchy as fuck and i love the beat. i won't be looking forward to the performance tho, fangirls can help themselves there

  23. @7:55

    i was the 2nd author on here

  24. ^

    lmfao the poor fail troll

  25. such crap article from supposedly 2nd author very comparable with the new ones disappointed T_T :/

    what's wrong with elfs can't make their oppar a decent placing on charts, seems the general korean public are much smarter than i thought lol

  26. erm... i like suju, not a fangirl of theirs but generally i like them... but i really really don't like this song.

  27. @8:28

    I don't write articles just to hate on K-Pop. I write to express my opinions and to hear others opinions.

    Whether you like it or not is your opinion, but let others express what they want.

    I don't write for your amusement. :)

    I write to express my opinion.


  28. For some reason i feel it's the same person writing some of these comments on here.....

  29. Super Fags with an uberdouche concept.

  30. i love how this posts (+ comments) annoy both elfs and haters hahaha! ^_^

    the song is sooooo SUPER JUNIOR.

    hope that the MV will make up for the 'meh' feel of the song.

  31. lol if some of you expected too much for suju to comeback with an epic song pls don't it'll just leave an everlasting frustration ^_^

  32. ^ It wouldn't have happened in the first place if those damn ELFs didn't go around shoving comments like "fuck your idols!!!! Oppars are coming back!!! 5jib izz gunna be EPIC!!!11! They gunna dominate!!!1" down everybody's throats when the concept teasers first appeared. Dominate what?! Seriously, with this shit?!

  33. "For some reason i feel it's the same person writing some of these comments on here....."

    I feel the same.

    This song is decent. Suju has their appeals, and so does other groups, so no need to question their fandom, imo, Suju without Kibum and Hangeng is a pretty average looking group, so you know they have lots to offer other than their looks to attract and maintain such a big fanclub.

  34. Bonomana, Part 2.

    I was hoping for something really epic for SuJu's last album before Heechul and Leeteuk leave for the army. Instead, we get recycled music.

    As much as I hoped for something different, I expected this because it's SM we're talking about. Sigh.

  35. Disappointed with the song, I was hoping for something revolutionary and fresh but its still the same sound as SorrySorry, SuperGirl, Bonamana & Perfect =/

    Gotta say that the lyrics are really good, so I hope the MV wont be like the teasers at all but more like the pics :D

  36. i was the first commenter in this article. i just realised after listening for a third time to the song that it isn't that bad, really. way better than hands up at least, i still hate that song with a passion.

    i guess all them elfs boasting about the 5jib got my expectations way too high. i sure hope ***** (my fanclub) dont talk too high about the album coming up, or there will be lots of bashers again

  37. Like most here i was kind of underwhelmed by this,but like some have pointed out this is Suju and this is what SM does.They release mediocre music and they are ok with it.Atleast they dont pretend to be innovators of new sound and music,unlike some,wont mention names but use your imagination.

    I prefer "opera" to this song,but i will spazz with the best of them when the MV comes out once a crazed fangirl always a crazed fangirl.

  38. @mynameisnotsuzy
    damn girl long ass username but ilu too.

  39. lol i feel like there is a very angry dwarf here sitting and getting all pissy.

    also why are there other groups being brought into this?

    2ne1? LOL so the angry dwarf is a blackjack? shocker. hun you're just a delusional the cray crays in ELF-dom.

    2ne1 doesn't have many songs with out auto tune, with that said, the only song that i sincerely enjoy from them is it hurts and lonely.

    not saying Sj is better, they're both groups that are awesome in their own way, just saying get your fat ass off your high pedestal you fuck tard ;]

  40. I cannot wait for the MV, I need to get ready to take all my SHINDONG screenshots, make them into a collage , then put that collage in my shindong shrine, than sit there, contemplating how i am going to kill his gf and put him in my basement...

    Besides my Shindong love, today my friend gave me a speech about how 2NE1's new song are so good and they speak to her, like ugly was made for her. My reply "WTF is wrong with you? Ugly was written to attract young girls with low-self esteem and insecurity issues, therefore gaining attention from people like you. You believe the song is for you because it is written that way, Your'e a sucker. "

  41. Your Shindong obsession..opps I mean love is admirable.

  42. shindong should die they should've roasted that pig long before ^_^

  43. Read the comments before I even listened to this. I had a feeling it would be garbage since people said so, and garbage was an understatement. It's just pure trash. Autotune gone horribly wrong. I don't know who's singing what but for the love of.. not even autotune could save these talentless attention whore's voices. But I'm sure ELF's would eat this shit up anyways. Not like they cared for their music. I mean bulk-buying albums and streaming songs, not because of the music being awesome, but because their oppas are going to the army. what dickwads. o.O

  44. This song is fucking watered down shit. I couldn't even make it past the :30 second mark because it was so goddamn boring. None of their most recent songs have had the catchiness and of Sorry Sorry

  45. i've listened once and never would i gonna listen again.

  46. I've never liked any suju songs (and didn't bother to listen all the songs they've done) but this time I was expecting a good one, because of the second teaser.
    And that album drops. There isn't that song in the entire album. And mr.simple is sorry sorry 3.0
    I'm okay with doing another version of a big hit (who didn't do that?) but a third?
    Sorry. I feel conned.
    I listened to 3 songs and stopped. That album is a no.

    And why the need to compare with 2ne1? Okay so autotune = 2ne1 because of 4 songs?

  47. Though it isn't that bad and if you like Super Junior's previous title tracks you will probably like this one. If you don't you then who cares.

    wtf Super Junior is Autotune Kings
    mr. simple is bonamana 2.0
    At first listen to it, my ears bled
    They are a bunch of gays
    Mr. Simple would be an epically gay MV

  48. "I love Super Junior M (They consists of the more useful members)." --> I think you meant Super Junior KRY, because it's where the more useful and talented membres in term of singing are, not Super Junior M... O_o

    Anyways, this song isn't good. First, we had 'Sorry Sorry' which was "catchy" (read : repetitive as hell) but which I wouldn't call a good song either, then we had 'Bonamana' which sounded freakin similar to 'Sorry Sorry', and now we have 'Mr. Simple' which also sounds a lot like these two previous songs, but in worse. Meh.

  49. Worst song released this year.

  50. I dont know why people keep trying to find sorry sorry every time they release a new song. Not as good as sorry sorry? Sorry sorry wasn't even that good.

    It's sad to admit that the kpop industry works like this, but it's been like this since forever and if you can't take it or unaware of it, find another hobby. k-fandoms get crazy to a point..some take it to as far as delusional crazy. if you dont get crazed fangirls, you'll probably die in the face of a delusional crazy fangirl.

    people call their favorite groups/idols BIAS for a reason. there's really no point to further argue why fans do what they do.

  51. Bonamana = Sorry Sorry 2.0
    Mr. simple = Bonamana 2.0

  52. The worst thing is that we will have to deal with all these crazy ELF fangirls for at least 2-3 weeks.

  53. Two things I really dislike:

    1. It's really 90s and not in an enjoyable way like Miss A's album, which at least mixes it up with some chords. The track is just so Eurojams 93'. I could literally make this in 25 minutes.

    2. Some voices just don't take to autotune well. It's just too eerily mechanical. I think part of the reason is that the hook is not creative, but the other is that a lot of their voices just aren't distinctive. The difference between this and some other groups, is that it's just flat out impossible to tell that it was a human singing, much less which human in this case.

  54. @2:36

    No I mean Super Junior M lol

    KRY just sings ballads and by more useful I mean they didn't have Shindong, Leetuk, Kibum (not like he's ever there), and prior to Hangeng leaving Eunhyuk and Sungmin weren't there.

  55. they should just stick to buying copyright songs.. shit always turns out better when they do that. fuck all this recycle stuff.

  56. it really grows on you.

  57. J.K Doogwarn, are you Kalexis from 6theory?

  58. August 2, 2011 6:36 AM I completely agree with your second point. The song sounded as is it was sung by robots instead.

  59. Let me just leave this here....


    lol, none of the individual lines are autotuned. Just the group parts.

    Fuck y'all.

  60. It sounds like something you would hear in a club. Like I can actually see, guidos fist pumping to this.

  61. kamprettt lo BRENGSEK !

  62. fuck those flaming fags

  63. Mr Simple does sound like a bollywood song. In face, one part of the song sounds identical to a bollywood song i listened to once as a child. If only i remembered the name XD


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