Saturday, August 13, 2011

To Dream Team 2, I say FUCKING THANK YOU!

*Yes. I'm aware that my ass just got fired. BUT! I like this blog and i'm not gonna be hatin' on it. So, I have until the end of the month right? I'll keep doing articles till then.*

I double checked and I see that NO ONE has posted about this yet! Dear sirs, I am quite shocked! Yeah, i'm slow on it too, but I like titties less than you do so I have an excuse :P.

So what the hell am I talking about? Apparently on Dream Team 2 they had a few girl group members do some type of slip-n-slide on blocks of ice....yup, let that soak in for a second. I wouldn't really care but they have the amazing HYUNYOUNG and BORA take part in this epic event! I may not talk about hot girls alot, but I've always had a thing for those two. How was I going to miss out on seeing them slide their titties across a slip-n-slide?! The only complaint I have is that they HAVE to be wearing some thick bra padding because they're rubbing all on this fucking ICE and their nipps don't come out and say hi at all.

The video is a bit long, but there's Girl's Day, Rainbow, Sistar, and Dal Shabet. There's also some troll faces that got in like gag women, CSJH, Nine Muses (yes the bodies are hot but the faces are not), and two of the fugliest members of Rania. Oh well.


  1. you have my vote to stay on if you keep posting this type of hot stuff!!

  2. I'll watch this later for Hyunyoung, but I'll be doing a lot of fast forwarding in this video.

  3. I love you friglet! <3

  4. Why are Sistar not included in the troll faces.

  5. i was surprised this wasn't posted either.

  6. Insulting the flawless Eunji?

    I'm disappointed.

  7. Jaekyung and her beauties are also in it.

  8. Why don't you guys to song/mv reviews anymore?

  9. I wanted you to stay D: Ahjussi should leave instead, his "articles" suck.

  10. ^ I like davidfresh and Shin-B's articles the most but you're right, Ahjussi sucks. Why didn't he get fired too ? O.o

  11. this was a lame post depending on another site to make your posts is just stupid

  12. and the video is private.

  13. i swear, every time Sunday's face comes up, i cover my eyes. She's like the boogeyman and i'm the helpless kid checking if the monster's already gone.

  14. @ Anon 1:49am: We still do (presumptuously speaking on behalf of everyone). It is just if no song or MV catches our attention, we will not write anything about it. Sorry.

    @ Anon 6:06am: And I like you the most ;) <3

    This is a sport I would like to participate in during winter here in Canada.


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