Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Uee wants to bone Chansung...not really

I didnt really care for that piece of info, until I got a good look at both of them,and realised that they'd make ugly babies.
Nah for realzzs ya'll.



wont necessarily translate into this...

but more like....

Don't know,what do you guys think?


  1. I think you might be onto something....

  2. They're probably better looking than you.
    Their baby will be also.
    Yes, I went there. Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  3. lol i'm laughing too hard.

    i personally think Chansung is pretty good looking. but the pic made me LOL hard ;D

  4. boring post. sry. Where's the original authors? Nowadays, these posts suck. Someone get rid of the new ones!

  5. LOL you picked good pictures of both people.

    @3rd Anon The original authors weren't all that either, except Davidfresh, a couple times AKF would have funny entries. The development of an AFG author takes time. Patience.

  6. i can actually see the resemblance

  7. wtf happened to the previous posts?

  8. Damn that first baby is cute

  9. UEE is too good from him

  10. Apparently, the quantity of new authors on the website lowered the quality of the posts.

  11. God damn.

    People always complained about my posts. At the time we had 7 authors and I had written more than the other 6 combined. So I hired 6 more to put out roughly the same amount of articles as I would and people still complain.

  12. Man, give them a chance! It takes time to shape an author and for people to get their sense of humor/style. And yeah, if you don't like it, why don't you apply and see if you can do any better? Yeah, I went there. 헐!

  13. Lmao you guys are fucking ridiculous. Liley is one of the few new authors I don't mind. Why not complain about that "mynameisnotsuzy" with his/her "Krystal is a saint" posts. Don't mix the actual decent authors who are still adjusting to those who post as if they were on 6theory

  14. HEY MAN. AKF was the reason why I came here regularly. I agree that it takes time for writers to develop. And where out there is a site that has a collection of writers we all like as a group? There's always a few writers we can't relate to, and new changes are always hard to adapt to.

    Just be glad that this writer didn't post ANOTHER 2ne1 post.

    Oh, and in the article it said UEE gave him a sexy dance. UEE dancing is the anti boner.

  15. liley, you really shouldn't post pictures of your baby so unexpectedly like that. Some readers here have weak hearts. Btw, finally. a post that DOESN'T relate to 2NE1.

  16. lol i feel like people go on any new author post and just say we suck...just because. it's starting to get to a whole nother level of hilarious!

    but this post cracked me up. liley, YOU COLD! but i LOVE it! can you imagine the eyes of uee's baby?! they'd melt wholes into your soul...

  17. lol this post is great, keep your head up liley i like your articles

    btw the only post that sucked was the one praising and defending krystal, only article i didn't like by the new writers

  18. 4:41 made me lol. Butthurt blowjobs everywhere, run!

  19. holes into your soul lol,friglet i lubb chu.

  20. TBH, I really don't like mynameisnotsuzy's posts.

  21. And you have to know that you have to add chanslut to pre-surgery uee.
    But chanana isn't ugly :)

  22. Sorry, you got it the wrong way around! UEE isn't too good for Changsung. Changsung is TOO GOOD for UEE!

    I don't see why she's soooo popular, she's not even that hot.

  23. "can you imagine the eyes of uee's baby?! they'd melt wholes into your soul... " LOL!!!! YOU ARE A GUINNESS!!!

  24. UEE seems to flirt with all maknae! Dongho-UKISS, Jinwoon-2AM and now Chansung-2PM!!! If I remember correctly, she used to deny him in a variety show ~~

  25. No first anon was right. UEE is too good for perma derped moron Chansuck.


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