Thursday, February 18, 2016

Best of the Worst: Feb. 18, 2016

Hello, readers! Welcome back to Best of the Worst, where we condense your shitty kpop news into easily digestible bites. Mmmmmmm.

Anywho ...

Question: Would you help crowdfund your faves' comeback? And if so, which group would you give money to?

  • LABOUM's crowdfunding campaign for their next MV reaches its goal in 4 hours. Does it make me a bad person that I'd be tempted to sign up for the $826 "Set 8" option if it wasn't sold out and I had money? It does, doesn't it? I could be giving that money to charity ... or my cats. OK, I'll drop it. Now let's never talk about the $826 LABOUM spending spree idea again.

    ... OK, just one more thing: I am totally behind the commenter who suggested After School crowdfund their next comeback. Because we all know they ain't never coming back without some help.

Including these fabulous Photoshopped doozies


  1. YuSoo look so old in those photos, like they were taken yesterday. Soo also appears to have that horrific jawshave which made her 1000% less fappable

    1. They look OK in the top photos, but I'm convinced the bottom ones were cut and pasted from something else.

  2. Considering i've spent my money on stupider shit before, i'd gladly spend it for my favorite groups crowdfunding.

  3. I've spent $233 on Sica's glasses, so I can't say shit.

    But lol @ poor people in the comments section of the Laboum article trying to insult people about how other people spend money.

  4. 826$ is not much for meeting an idol somewhat closer and more intimate, even if it's just some nugu.

    I'm looking forward to the Conan in SK stuff.

  5. If nine muses had a crowdfunding fuck college I wanna kneel before hyuna before I die

    1. I probably ended up spending close to this much buying an extra ticket to Block B just to get a photograph with them.

      But Jaehyo-time is worth every second of those two 5 second handshakes...

  6. Since Stellar managed to get 420% of their initial target, I can see lots of struggling groups doing this.

    1. It's a good idea for a lot of groups. It helps solidify the fanbase and get them involved.

  7. I'd help crowdfund an After School or OC comeback if pledis would actually fuckin' do anything with them

    1. I'd help crowdfund original After School or Diva-era AS to come back. I'd pay top tier for that.

  8. My answer is no. Probably because I'm eighteen and don't have a stable career yet so therefore, I always see better things to spend what little money I have on. I mean if you have money to blow then I don't see a problem with it. However if you can't afford it, then you shouldn't feel pressured to give money to feel like a "true fan."

    If the company couldn't afford to keep the group afloat then they shouldn't have sold impressionable teenagers with the promise of fame in the first place. That's honestly so fucked up. Imagine being an idol and hearing "Hey you know how we promised you success? Well turns out an over-saturated market is very hard to compete in so unless your fans donate to the charity we have set up you wont be idols anymore." Fucking awful.

    1. However, I do see crowdfunding as a smart move. The company has to barely spend any money for a comeback, so they can have the fans pay for most of it. However, I only think this could work for nugus. Imagine if a company like SM or YG started doing this; it wouldn't make much sense.

    2. Definitely only an option for nugus.

      On the issue of success, though, were any of these groups ever promised success? I don;t think anyone would ever be naive enough to believe it even if they were told that.

    3. Now that I think about it, maybe not.
      I also wonders what happens if they don't reach their goal? Does the group disband? Do they just use what money they collected to slap something together?

  9. I see the "Pledis is broke" myth lives on.

    Crowdfund AS, are you nuts? Nana could pay off After School's next three comebacks by ripping out one eyelash and EBaying it.


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