Tuesday, February 9, 2016

[MV...Review?] 4minute - Hate (This Piece of Shit "Song")

Well, 4minute is now auditioning to join YG with "Hate". Read below to see why a song with a lot of potential will be remembered as one of the worst songs of 2016.

Upon listening to "Hate," I was expecting some kind of epic rock ballad by the way it starts out. It's a well-worn path, and it generally works. I didn't even mind the warbles introduced with Hyuna's verse, as it wasn't overbearing the rest of the instruments. Even the added electronic beats added to Sohyun's verse didn't bother me. Sure, at this point, this song was a bit disjointed, and I was willing to wait to see if these different instrumentals would end up blending together.

Then a tragedy happens. We are subject to a chorus featuring a robot who farted into an empty metal trash can in the studio. The music producer, obviously stoned or drunk at the time, thought it would be a good idea to use this as a chorus of a song.

The chorus is so bad it ruins whatever good parts the rest of the song had. Without a good chorus, I don't give a fuck about the rest of the song. However, the rest of the song was just as disjointed as the first minute of the song.

If your fetish is robots farting into a metal trash can with hot Asian girls singing to the "beat," then this song will be up your alley. For the rest of us, move on.


  1. The instrumental version really shows how jarring the song is, no vocal could save this mess.

  2. And it's such a shame because then Hyuna will be the only one active...

  3. Like they really had something good going in the beginning but then the chorus...the fucking chorus.

  4. This sounds like crazy smashed with bangbangbang... What a tragedy

  5. Don't worry, I'm sure Apink will release something incredibly boring and unstimulating to keep your mind at ease

    1. I take that as a compliment coming from you. Anyone who thinks IGAB is a masterpiece is someone whose opinion isn't even worth a bag of soggy dog shit.

    2. Whilst I don't remember referring to the generic IGAB as a masterpiece, you are of course right to offer me your humble thanks

    3. Dw. GFriend winning a triple crown will give him a hard on

  6. I'm really into this. I understand if you hate the song, but I don't know why you have to have such a condescending tone towards the people who like it as if your taste is objectively better but whatever

    1. You really don't understand humor, do you?

    2. No I mean I get that humor is mainly shitting on people and I'm into that that's why I'm here. The last few lines just rubbed me the wrong way especially because it came from someone who likes lovelyz

  7. The Skrillex Fart Song, what, you no like?

  8. Hyuna looks like a creepy meth addict in this. The chorus is bizarre.

    1. Well, excuse me, but that just happens to be my fetish.

  9. The "go go go" part was where I closed the video several times, before I finally got to the chorus to see what all the fuss was about. Damn, stinker! Yet somehow, with a different instrument maybe somebody could salvage that beat for something useful...

  10. The beginning was good, but before long came the painful reminder that Skrillex produced the song.

  11. I actually kinda liked the chorus lol

  12. This song had good potential. I agree the chorus ruined it all... had the production been serious the song would have been a real hit *unlikeusuallazyschoolorsexygirlgroupsonglikeoverratedsimplistishrough*

  13. I hated this song at first, but I like it now. I love the styling in the music video, the verses, and the jarring chorus. I guess I would rather have a "fetish" for robot farts than insipid, unimaginative, incredibly watered down saccharine stuff.

  14. At least IGAB was a guilty pleasure for me, this song is a mess....
    I listened to the original after hearing the remix from Aeria Creations... Damn, they really saved this song (in my opinion)...

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