Monday, February 10, 2014

Don't Be Fooled By SNSD's Mr. Mr. Teaser

Just your friendly reminder to not get your hopes up. Sure, the teaser is awesome. The concept looks pretty sweet and the instrumental in the teaser sounds good. But, you have to remember that teasers are lies, like Run Devil Run. Also, you're only as good as your latest song, and SNSD canally raped all of us last year. (How the fuck does IGAB have 84 million views?!)

Yay Sexica!

The title of the song reminds me of Happy Gilmore.


  1. my penis is ready

    as is my mute button, tbf

  2. I like the part where yuri huffs the laughing gas

    1. calling it now, it's the Druggie concept

      the second teaser will show Sooyoung injecting morphine between her toes whilst Tiffany snorts coke off Taeyeon's coccyx. the final scene shows Seohyun and Yoona re-creating the ass-to-ass part from Requiem For A Dream

    2. What I wouldn't give to see Seohyun snort coke off of someone's collarbone. l0l

    3. @nayeon_fag WOW. That escalated REAL quick

    4. @nayeon_fag; Don't play with my dick feelings, man !

  3. I've learned not to trust teasers

    1. While the more logical side of me feels the way you do, I still find it hard not to get sucked in. With each teaser, it's like 'Maybe this is it -- maybe this is the one awesome teaser that will translate into a great song." What can I say? I'm a chronic optimist.

      I'm also chronically disappointed. ;____;

  4. I have not forgiven SME for that Run Devil Run teaser. The song wasn't too bad but just looked bad when compared to the teaser. The IGAB teaser was okay until the real song came with AYO GG! and then everything went downhill. Why didn't that piano-stomping section except the diva part just become a separate song!?

  5. Judging from the teaser, I just hope the song won't be as bad as I Got Multiple Personality Disorder. It looks like a darker concept, but, if the chorus is basically them saying: "Mr Mr", then we have a problem.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. If thats the chorus im punching someone. Mma style

  6. I will be genuinely impressed if this is somehow worse than IGAB. Aside from Girls' Day and GPBasic, 2014 seems to be a really good year for girl groups so far. Praying that SNSD won't wreck it. Also, I hope SM will release another pussy buffet- er... I mean... girl group this year.

    1. "pussy buffet"

      You've just made my day.

    2. well Woollim are bringing out a new girl group soon, and they're a SM Ent subsidiary now, so that kind of counts I suppose? JYP are supposed to debut one soon too

      I've long given up hope of that group from YG ever actually appearing

  7. I'm not sure whether this is going to be pretty or good or pretty bad. It looks like they might finally be doing something besides dancing in a box, but it also sounds like they could be rapping again.

    I do wonder what caused them to switch up their concept so much.

  8. Now, this is a real teaser:
    You won't regret watching this.

  9. This better be a gold digging concept.

  10. It went so fast, I couldn't tell anyone apart. Expect for you know, the usual stand outs, and I dont mean good stand outs.

  11. How do you link gold digging to a doctor's room filled with drugs and unconscious men?

    1. They're rich men and they're going to steal all of their wonz

  12. Believe it or not I still haven't heard IGAB.

  13. You know IGAB actually wasn't that bad until that rap part came up. I swear I feel like punching myself in the nuts when I heard them rapping and that ghetto style music came on. Fuck I'm getting pissed talking about this.


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