Thursday, February 6, 2014

GP Basic Makes Me Wish That I Was Deaf

Fuck life.

Everything about this song, MV, concept, etc. is really, really bad. I don't even want to review it, because it would force me to rewatch the MV to find shit to nitpick about. Listening to it once was as if this song declared a jihad on my ears.

I would rather....

...have Hyoyeon rip her ogre farts into my ears.

...motorboat Shindong's titties.

...get a blowjob from Annie Chen, just for her to turn into some kind of demon and shove her tongue up my asshole as her tongue enlarges to the size of a baseball bat, killing me in the same way Mr. Hands died (seriously, do not Google Mr. Hands unless you're morbidly curious. If you are one sick son of a bitch like me and find what others find disgusting to be hilarious, then look up Mr. Hands.)

...lick Nancy Pelosi's face.

...listen to SNSD's I Got Multiple Personality Disorder on infinite repeat while watching a bunch of fat girls have an orgy.

And the list could go on and on.

Cleanse your eyes and ears with some Jolin Tsai.


  1. Oh my god. Listening to this makes GG's I Got Multiple Personality Disorder look like heaven. I'd rather be strapped to a chair, being forced to listen to EXO while someone spins me around and punches me in the face. Just wow. It'd be more fun to listen JYP's prank calls whispering 'JYP' non stop than this.

  2. I hate rap parts in pop songs, so there is nothing for me to like in that song.

  3. they made 'everybody' worse



  4. I never thought I would say this, but holy shit, I think even Exo sounds better than that.

  5. the third choice actually look quite interesting though, i mean, what kind of horse? the one that bully or the one that fill the page?

    wait, real horse? you sick bastard...

  6. Very forgettable song. Ugh. What's with the crooked side mouth talking that Korean rappers seem to be doing a lot lately on MVs to appear more "hard"? I'll give G-Dragon a pass on that, since he's been doing that face from the beginning. Just looks annoying on these girls.

  7. I've never listened to EXO or Busker Busker, and I don't plan on doing so. Are they as insufferable as Nickelback?

    1. If you're having trouble falling asleep and don't want to take meds, anything by Busker Busker should do the trick. Exo has a couple of pretty decent songs but the majority of their stuff isn't worth listening to. Nickelback's songs aren't obscenely bad, but I can't stand Chad's voice.

  8. black bounce is actually fairly good

  9. This is devastatingly bad. As a connoisseur of shit music I'm in awe.

  10. This is so bad it's criminal. I'm suing for one and a half minutes of my life; I couldn't make it to the end.

  11. It's not that bad, just really boring. Their voices are annoying and the song never builds up into something more interesting.

  12. I applaud you all for having the courage to listen to the song. I just couldn't get myself to even click on the video.

  13. This is pretty damn bad...Oh, and it's interesting to see how Exo is seemingly always on peoples minds...

  14. I googled Mr.Hands and saw the video...hilarious

  15. I remember writing reviews of GPB's earlier shit on here.. damn that was so long ago..
    seems like nothing changed much. swollen mosquito bites do not breasts make lol.

    1. Holy shit, nice to see you around babs.

    2. hehe miss me ? whatever happened to closing the blog down HAHA jesus, 10th generation authors.. do you guys still hang out on the AKF chat ? every time I go in ain't nobody there lol
      I miss shinbi ;___;

    3. I was only going to close it down because I was going to join the Air Force, but medical issues disqualified me, so I'm still living a normal life.

      The majority of the chat regulars migrated over to Skype since it's easier for us all.

    4. ahh I see. I'm probably too out of the loop by now since it's been so long but I'd like to catch up with everyone sometime haha. nice to see some of the old authors are still here

  16. Everything that could be horrible was horrible. The outfits,the song, and especially the fact that everyone looks like a thirteen year old boy. I thought that you were exaggerating the sheer fail of this song but now i see. A minute and a half of my life gone.

  17. I like that they went for the "boyish" concept. but that song.....i think everyone here already have expressed my thoughts.

  18. I'm scared to research Mr. Hands.

  19. I seriously think that 2Chainz has more rhythm than these girls... That makes me really sad. :'(

  20. Thank you for the Jolin t. song. I really liked it


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