Monday, January 27, 2014

AKF + One Hallyu

Do you know what you get when you combine two STDs together? Well, I don't know, but I'm sure it'd be similar to this alliance.

Anyway, One Hallyu is our newest affiliate and now there's an official AKF thread on One Hallyu.

Way back in the day when the 6theory forums were still around, the creators of AKF and OH were mingling together. I had already made AKF before 6theory's demise, but Hallyu8 was born to combat Johnny trying to over-police the forum. After Hallyu8's forum was fucked up beyond repair, One Hallyu was made. So essentially, the two places are more similar than one would imagine. I've been going to OH for a while since I also went to H8 and 6theory, and Zaku, akisame and Kpopalypse oppar also post on there.


  1. "AKF is alright. There are some try-hard writers, though. Like that one guy who calls himself Zaku. Man, that guy is so lame." Ahahaha

  2. Seems like a good way to dispel some myths about the site, especially as it seems nobody reads FAQs.

    1. Did you see that I told people to read the FAQ in the first post, then someone asks in the thread if we're anti kpop?

      I wanted to face palm myself so hard.

    2. I see your "don't take every article on AKF seriously" kinda fell on deaf ears too.

  3. one hallyu is cool I got there to get my fap pictures

    1. Fapbro knows what's up.
      This is the only reason why I go to any K-Pop forum.
      Or tumblr.

    2. I like going to OH more than tumblr for that reason. You have to sift through so much shit on tumblr while all the good stuff is posted on OH (and then the really good stuff, like Hani fancams, etc.) are posted here.

  4. Can't wait to see what articles will be made based on OH posts. While it's infinitely better than Allkshit there have been more dickhole fangirls migrating to the forum in the last few months.

    1. I mainly get fancams and pictures from OH, hence why I go there. It would be too much trouble for me to personally know when there's an awesome fancam posted, but if I go to OH and into a certain artist thread, I can find some great stuff to make an article out of.

      If you mean posts from actual discussions on OH, yeah, there will probably be plenty of those in the future when there's nothing I want to write about coming from news sites or NB.

  5. Well... looks like SOMEONE didn't read the FAQ


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