Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sasaeng fan selling Exo underwear

Who wants Exo's underwear?

Anybody? Anybody?

This week in Embarrassing Exo Fan News, a sasaeng average Exo fan is selling underwear she claims she stole from Exo's dorm. (I mean, we all know it's a "she" right?) According to this fan -- let's call her "Cray Suzy" -- the undergarment in question belongs to member D.O.

Seen here at a fansigning, probably fearing for his life

Not only does Cray Suzy say she went to Exo's dorm alone to get it, according to the Soompi article, she says, "'There’s a few hairs on the underwear so you can check the DNA. I also have his socks. Don’t criticize or attack me.'"

Why would she think anyone was going to criticize or attack her? All she claims to have done is broken into Exo's dorm, stolen a pair of underwear, searched it for pubes, and put it up for sale online (at a steal of $10, no less). Is that all it takes to become the subject of ridicule these days? Pssshhh. Maybe, she's worried that someone will attack her for also soliciting pre-orders for next week's shipment.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Or perhaps, she's just worried that no one will be delusional enough to believe her story. Then again, she is reaching out to Exo fans, so ...

I don't even like this song, but it felt appropriate here.


  1. Come on, come on, get yo crayon crayon

  2. I would buy that underwear and throw it into a crowd of horny fangirls.

  3. I don't like exo, but you gotta feel sorry for them because they got TVXQ's hand-me-downs.

    1. Not sure if referring to the sasaengs or the underwear. Probably both.

  4. Eh, i think all of this seems more like some kind of promo for the group? After all these years SM hasn't done anything about this kind of issues with the sasaeng fans.... as long as their groups are mentioned in a newspaper, magazine or some famous news site for this kind of incidents it's a win-win for them it doesn't matter if this makes people to hate more the group or the fans... bad or good fame is still fame so i'm not buying this kind of news because it hasn't been just them probably most of SM suffered this and the company didn't do anything about it because who doesn't like to be on everywhere just for news like this one.

    1. SM doesn't need to media play. The fangirls insanity has already made Exo a household name in Korea, kinda like with TVXQ.

  5. ?
    What the actual fuck is wrong with people? I like exo, but these types of fans give us a REALLY bad reputation. Gosh I hate sasaengs!!!

  6. When are these bitches going to step up their game and pull a Rebecca Schaeffer or John Lennon on one of those EXO hoes? I nominate Luhan.

  7. I would have called her Cray Ssi.

  8. Kyungsoo's Underwear wif extra pubic hair? I'LL BUY IT! LOL

  9. We should have petitioned Kpopalypse's idea of the sasaeng control project. We'll call it Project EXO.

    1. Or deport them to Japan and subject them to Johnny Boy Bands, god knows Japan can use the fans

  10. Poor Kyungsoo.
    Also what the actual fuck I just- what.

  11. The one who is crazier than Cray Suzy is the one who has the intention to buy this underwear and pubes. Oh! My God!
    They are fuckin' crazy!

  12. Sasaengs runied they KPOP World! Let me please kille this fucking Sasaengs.. but what i dont get is : WHO THE HELL THIS SASAENG GET THIS UNDERWEAR??? WTF??????
    Crazy,Psycho Sluts without morals!

  13. What will sasaeng do with his P-hair? Sniff it? Extract DNA to make mutant GM babies?

    Or maybe use it as wig to cover their Brazillian wax

  14. What will sasaeng do with his P-hair? Sniff it? Extract DNA to make mutant GM babies?

    Or maybe use it as wig to cover their Brazillian wax

  15. What will sasaeng do with his P-hair? Sniff it? Extract DNA to make mutant GM babies?

    Or maybe use it as wig to cover their Brazillian wax

  16. What will sasaeng do with his P-hair? Sniff it? Extract DNA to make mutant GM babies?

    Or maybe use it as wig to cover their Brazillian wax


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