Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dasom complains and no one cares

So I wanted to talk briefly about Dasom's complaint that the CEO of her company plays favorites with the gals of Sistar.


Seriously there is no difference at all! inb4 anti
We all know that Hyorin is the favorite. This could be because Hyorin is the talent of the group. She can dance, sing, twerk that booty and has that glorious 10/10 face. Dasom (who equally has a 10/10 face and in no way resembles a chihuahua [see photo above]) stated that,  "Once, I was hospitalized during an overseas performance because I wasn’t feeling good. Nobody from the agency came to visit me or see how I was doing. On the other hand when Hyorin got sick, our CEO bought some snacks and went to see how she was doing at the hospital. I couldn’t help it but to cry when I saw that.”

Luckily,  I got to take a photograph of her on this very day to prove her right. Seriously, it was sad! No one came to visit her or anything. Also, the nurses had to wash her butthole more than 3 times that day because she was pooping loads all over her gown--this could also explain why the CEO never showed up (he was trying to avoid the butthole fumes).

 In a string of bizarre coincidences, I was also able to obtain the photograph of Hyorin in the hospital a few days after Dasom's hospitalization.

I know the CEO keeps forgetting Dasom's birthday and he probably regrets ever putting her in the group. However, I think Dasom needs to understand that not everyone will like her and that she needs to just accept herself and love herself for the beautiful and talented person she is. Also, she needs to realize that KPOP is a business and if you are not popular and you only have a few fanboys/fangirls praising you...this really means nothing to your corporation. You need to have fans and be the reason people BUY and WANT the product or end up being treating like a piece of trash.

Cheers to you Dasom. Also, please stop pooping on my lawn and nibbling at my children's heels, or I'll call Cesar Millan to break you from all your bad habits.


  1. no matter how much you want to humiliate Dasom you shouldn't lie to yourself about Hyorin's face in such a way

  2. "Hyorin[...]has that glorious 10/10 face."


  3. In the most high-school special-class circklejerk manner, you compare Dasom's face to that of a chihuahua, and in the same article say that Hyorin is 10/10

    Delusion seems to be contagious. Probably just stupidity...

  4. I thought Soyou was the pussyhurt loner of the group.

  5. ROFL at the pics but what? Hyorin's face? 10/10? You've gotta be shitting me

  6. Dasom, you have no idea how much i care about you. I told the truth. Just ask my left hand.

  7. Wow, you guys can't detect sulli's sarcasm about Hyorin's face at all lol.

  8. a sugar daddy would treat Dasom better than the rest of the group =3=

  9. b-but i love Dasom D':
    i'd go lesbo for her any day, i'd even let her cry on my shoulder about how useless she feels
    she has to face the truth:
    Hyorin = hot = money from the fappers
    Dasom = cute = not relevant for a group known for being hot

  10. I see Dasom as the Boram of Sistar, unfortunate and neglected ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  11. lolololol

    I mean I love Dasom and all, but girl just needs to realize that this is after all a business affair between her and the CEO. If she doesn't put the goods to the CEO's table, what would she ever expect? Yeah I know girl it's sad and all and you cried and whatever but that's the reality of the business world. No personal feelings, just business.

  12. If she had an ass like hyorin and oh a face like her than maybe. Poor girl all she wants is for a CEO to stick his funky buch in her buttercream pie.

  13. really??!! she's complaining?! how immature of her. Oh geez. What a way to complain that your boss is treating you badly: on national TV. I'm wondering if she is thinking probably how worse he'll treat her after this..she should be mature enough to understand the situation, and instead of whining & complaining on national TV, she should just do her best in improving herself and finding her spot in the group. It seems like she wants to hog more attention than necessary. And it's not HyoRin's fault why she's got the best vocals out of all of them or if she's the CEO's favorite.

    i don't stan sistar btw... lol..

    1. hyorin really does have talent. She's a good singer (considering KPOP singers) and she has personality. Dasom needs to understand that business is business. Also I agree that she needs to make herself known by exhibiting her good traits.

    2. Okay okay whatever business is business, Sulli, but i'm sure having no one come to visit you in hospital would hurt... iunno I feel for her on that front.

      Shouldn't write that part off as, "O ITZ BIZNUZZ STFU" cause even I find that harsh with the comparison.

      Dasom needs to showcase herself etc etc yeah I agree about the rest but yeah I empathise.

    3. Damn. These fucking onions bring tears to my eyes.

  14. Thank you for this article. I know how which one Dasom is.

  15. ...but Dasom is so pretty. And she's the funniest on variety shows.

    /tbh she's my kpop guilty pleasure; completely useless but I love her anyway.

  16. More SISTAR member troll articles means SISTAR is relevant? mmmmnnnggh????
    But you faghags, I always thought Dasom is among the sluttiest ones until Loving U perfs where she had to wear a fucking dress! Is she pruding up?

  17. I really dont see how anyone can find Dasom attractive, bish has half a face (like that character off of the Oblongs).

    Those pics are oh-so hilarious!

  18. Aww, she's realized that she's the Dara of the group.

    1. At least Dara makes herself look useful as the "PR" bitch of the group aside from trying to look as musically-inclined as the other hacks (+ Minzy) with pics of her guitar

    2. My butt is better at guitar than Dara is.


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