Monday, July 2, 2012

[MV Review] SISTAR - Loving U

Following the dark and sophisticated theme of "Alone," SISTAR changes the gear to a vibrant and upbeat one in the MV of their latest single, "Loving U."

The song has "summer" written all over it, so it was only fitting that SISTAR's MV was shot in the vacay hotspot of Hawaii. Some of the scenery in the MV is gawjuss (duh, it's Hawaii), but the MV didn't seem to capture the true essence of Hawaii. In other words, it looked like any other beach.

On the same note, no native Hawaiians in grass skirts, strumming ukeleles and sipping on coconuts, were to be seen. Instead, they were replaced with a throng of white people, walking around with surfboards and soaking up the sun, which, to me, sounds more like an LA scene. This is not meant to be a stereotypical judgment, but a friendly question to the MV producers: WTF were you thinking?! Why in the world would you spend all that money to send SISTAR all the way to Hawaii, only to fail to incorporate any aspects of Hawaiian culture into the MV? SISTAR had no need to film the MV specifically in Hawaii when they could have just as easily done it elsewhere.

Instead, the staggering cost of the MV production, which was approximately $170,000, went towards airplanes for display and second-rate models with a mouth full of train tracks. Does not compute.

"I can do backflips. Wanna "hook up" sometime?"

Clearly, these were the workings of the same idiots who produced SISTAR's Alone MV, which was filmed in Sin City and they still had nothing to show for it (except Bora's creepy clown tattoo). 

Aside from the poor MV production, the choreography is completely incoherent with the lyrics and melody of the song. How does singing about falling hopelessly in love translate into grabbing your crotch, gyrating your hips, and bending over to expose your cleavage? Again, does not compute. 

"What we do when we're "Alone""
Despite the flaws of the MV, the song itself is a perfect match for the summer and as infectious as a toilet seat at a gay bar. Besides, it really allows Soyu's boobs voice to shine.

"Even with my underaged drinking, smoking, and bullying scandal, I'm still irrelevant."
"... reclaim my diva status from Ailee."
TL;DR Even with the upbeat and lively sound of "Loving U," STRIPPAH Hyorin & Friends SISTAR still maintains their sex appeal while wearing sailor outfits and dancing on top of cars. Though their recycled choreography may be unoriginal, this kind of music from them is a breath of fresh air. So to the music-lovers, play on. And to the legion of horny fanboys, fap on!


  1. this review needs more gifs (especially soyu's Double Power Fap)



  3. Your first article! What a lovely debut. Fighting! You'll do jjang! EVERYONE WELCOME HER BECAUSE I SAID SO, RAWR!


    Welcome to the Anti Kpop-Fangirl team, ex-All-K-Pop author! =D

    Mwahaha we have turned one of you.

    (... said in the most endearing, least creepy way possible) <3

    1. Is she that Test girl? If so... helloo.. if not.... well, helloo....

    2. why didn't you say this to me snake....

    3. because who gives a fuck about you reehji

      To the new author

    4. fuck you all, all hated on the cutey reehji :[

  4. This review gave me life.

  5. the song is ok...grows on me.
    Bora is beautiful as always.

    This review game me life.

  6. I totally agree that the production forgot the whole point of having to shoot in Hawaii. But I guess the general concept of sunny and summery was a fresh start for SISTAR since Shady Girl. I am still impressed with how this group is like a garter with their concepts--gets to adjust to different lengths well but never too much to break off.

    Soyu's entire existence was allowed to shine.

    1. Plus, they probably paid $170,000 just for a braced white guy to do backflips on the beach?

  7. The song is pretty good ^.^
    It's been a million years since I actually like something when I first heard it.
    And once again, Hyorin's face continues to terrify me.

    1. I think if hyorin would stop smiling like she the hottest person alive, her face would look better. Seriously, when she doesn't smile, she looks way better!

  8. Wow, I had no idea this was shot in Hawaii. Appeared to be a low-budget MV at first glance. Further investigation showed that it was still a pretty shitty video, albeit a lot more money had been spent than I had speculated.

    Anyways, the choreography is so old and recycled that I don't even get hard anymore. It's like watching professional porn; boring, predictable, and slightly annoying.

    1. at first i wasnt paying too much attention to the mv and i thought it was filmed in florida or mississippi or some other US state with beaches and surfboards

  9. SISTAR really have no fucking clue how to use the locations they travel to well, do they? First Las Vegas, now Hawaii. What a waste of money. I mean seriously, who the fuck flies out to Hawaii to film on the gorgeous sandy beaches but spends at least a minute of the video in a hotel pool?

    The random closeups and shitty, yet randomly faptacular, dance bits are the only things that save this MV. The song's pretty snoozy, especially for a summer jam.

  10. Don't care about Hawaii or their sets anyway, didn't think they'd make anything out of it just like Las Vegas in "Alone". SISTAR was hot(all that really matters to me). Didn't care about the song at first but then it grew on me after the third play.

  11. Hyorin's face is just horrible. Must suck having a good body and voice but a quite unfortunate face(Daesung, 2am Changmin) and btw the reason why kpop videos use white people is something I don't know.

    1. knowing koreans, the only reason they'd use black people would be if they were filming an MV in a fried chicken joint

      thats how racist they are

    2. When you think about it Koreans are more racist than kkk members. Yep, so racist they hate other Asians, especially the Japanese and Pinoys. Is it racist to say all Koreans living in Korea are racist???

    3. no, saying koreans are racist is like saying the sky is blue

  12. Welcum new blood!^_^

    I wish they were in hula skirts :(

    1. Hula skirts and coconut bras--now that's my kind of MV ;)

  13. These captions were hilarious. The Cheat approves.

  14. The choreo killed it for me. Every move they did has been done in another one of their songs (just glad the didn't reference 'Ma Boy' again) its like they've run out of creative ways to showcase their (ass)ets.

    Nice song though.

    Good article.


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