Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mingle to Bingo

I'm sure there will be a plethora of posts about SUJU in the coming weeks. About their "not so familiar sounding" track this time around. Anyway, to the point! Misheard lyrics...I love them, only because I feel like your mind always goes to the gutter at the time for some reason. Just happens, not this time but I do hear about a lot of sluts and naked things fucking when I'm not paying attention.

When I first heard the teaser for "Sexy, Free and Single" I was actually quite surprised that the English used  made sense. What I heard was:

"Sexy, free and single.  I'm ready to MINGLE"

What I was suppose to hear:

"Sexy, free and single. I'm ready to, BINGO"

Now, when I first read the lyrics I honestly had to look up the word bingo to see if there was some magical meaning associated with it that only special people knew. Turns out the special people have absolutely no idea what bingo means. I did try to rationalize it,because if you put bingo at the front of the sentence and it reads, "Bingo, I'm ready to go", that actually makes relative sense. Not that anyone would actually say that.

All in all I never expected much less then confused English from SUJU. But I would like to state on an almost unrelated topic, NU'EST is coming out with their new title track in a couple days and I have high hopes for their English. I was actually impressed with the "rapping" kid at the end of Face.

Every impressed by an idols ability to speak English?


  1. Super Junior's comeback song is terrible but all the ELFs are gonna vote for them even though there are other groups who deserve the awards more.

    1. Well of course, they are just a popularity contest! And Super Junior actually does come out with some good songs, but their title tracks are fuuuuuuuuu. I'm suprised when someone mentions engrish, no one mentions Eunhyuk's rap in Sorry Sorry Answer: "Realize the truth the lie baby give me cant deny." Dafuq?!
      I can also see "Sexy free and single I'm ready to bingo" become a meme. "Shoot anonymous" should also be a meme.

    2. Dude you should see exo's tumblrs. Those fans loove making memes that make fun of them. My sister is one herself

    3. Exo fans annoy me, I am getting tired of roll like a buffolo and shit and crappy fanfics. *sighed* Gongrats yu sister though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wait what, it's SUPPOSED to be bingo?




  4. Mosquiteuk never fails to look creepy.

  5. Sexy free and single album is actually the best album music quality super junior ever gaved me.

  6. They're ready to retire, and play bingo. Coz they're old. Geddit? lololollol

  7. I only care about Donghae. Hah.

  8. i cringe whenever i see leader teukie -- what have they done to you/what have you done to yourself? >_<

    anyways, seeing Donghae like that... hmmm, i'm good ^_^

  9. Replacing all the verbs in a sentence with "bingo" is pretty fun.

    I bingo
    You bingo
    He/she/it bingos

    1. ^this kinda reminds me of Patrick the starfish :)

  10. ....

    Kyuhyun is gorg.
    That song needed moar Kyuhyun.

    The MV had a satisfying amount of Donghae.

    1. There's never enough Donghae.

  11. 'I'm ready to mingle" is way too classy for them. They put the bingo in there as a premonition of where they will be in a few years.... the retirement home.
    One can only hope right? I'm just disappointed at why they havent disappeared yet. Especially plasteuk. He needs to be in the military already.


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