Thursday, August 11, 2016

Here's Why I Like BLACKPINK

Warning: this blog post contains genuine emotion and soulful reminiscing. Read at your own peril.  

Obviously Nayeon's Vibrator (fka AKF) fucking hates BLACKPINK, while I feel tentatively positive about them. Here's why I feel the way I do, as has been made clear to me by this video.

I just really miss 2NE1, you guys. That's the whole thing. I would happily watch a piece of lettuce rap if it reminded me of golden era CL.


CL was the woman who got me into kpop. I thought (strong emphasis on the past tense here) she was soooo cool, and so early 2NE1 will always hold a special place in my heart, especially Fire. So that terrible mashup of Boombayah and Fire really made me realize why I'm so optimistic about BLACKPINK. I know in my heart that Teddy has lost his edge, that their yolo-swag crap is grating at best, that YG can't manage girl groups for shit, that 2NE1 got awful a long time ago and never recovered. But I want them to not suck so, so badly.

So I understand if you want to compare YG's latest efforts to festering genitalia. But I'm gonna hold out hope that BLACKPINK manages to do what 2NE1 did before they started releasing absolute garbage and CL fled to America. It's unlikely, I know. But I want to believe, just for a little bit, at least until they disappoint me again.


  1. very VERY Delusional.
    I'm sorry but as far as I am concerned it's just more YOLOSWAG garbage/bullshit vomited out bu YG as per the boring usual.

  2. I'm not a big fan of the sweg shit but I find myself listening to them more and more. Fuck it, dig what you dig fuck everybody else

    1. The thing is though. Blackpink have the visuals of an SM/JYP group. And we all know pretty gets you very far if backed up by the resources of a Big 3. And I was actually slayed by BP's Inkigayo live stages. I actually think BP can not only rule SK market, they may well crossover successfully into the Western market.

  3. Gurl, you're starting to sound like a regular, delusional fangirl.

    1. I don't think having nostalgia automatically makes you a fangirl, but either way I'll be returning to my regularly scheduled snark soon enough

    2. +Kalliope nah dont return to being snarky self.
      i have hope for BP the songs are earworm to me, whatever floats ppl boats i dont get why ppl wanna sink others. One song i keep coming back to by 2ne1 is ILOVEU. of course BBs cover of IloveU will forever be engraved into my mind but its my fav. i like crush, falling in love, and 'if i were you' that they sang live on sketchbook. They will always be my irreplaceable queens. too soon to judge BP, cant wait to see what more they have to offer

  4. I see AKF doesnt really filter articles anymore

  5. I actually think both of BP's songs are okay, didn't like them on release but after a few loops they grew on me.

  6. Not sure why there's a fangirl on akf but at least it's a gurl ╮(╯∀╰)╭

    1. dude I'm never showing you my thighs

    2. LOL, at least he's showing good determination levels.

  7. Replies
    1. wow "go work for AKP" LMAO
      you have an opinion that isnt wrapped in bitterness and salt like Nay.Vib.? how dare you!
      Nayeons vibrator can write a whole article about TWICE breathing and how he/she/it has been blessed and how they are so kawaii and everyone must bow to them while you are simply just gave your thought on hope for BP/2ne1. damn AKFG users are xtra lately.

  8. Red velvet, girls day, aoa, 9muses all started with shittiest music and look at them now! I firmly believe that the shittier debut some band has the better they will become.

    1. imo RV's only good song is Happiness.

    2. in my opinion Happiness is the worst of their suite of terrible songs lol

  9. Well, there is nothing wrong with hoping... but if you recognize that Teddy is done, then BP are not going to get good songs. The YG stans ensure that they will have success no matter what, so why even bother?

    1. yeah I think everybody knows that Teddy is done. The rut he's made for himself is way too deep. Maybe they'll switch producers though? Who knows. Honestly YG is probably an inescapable swag vortex at this point.

  10. Blackpink is basically a less charismatic, more conventionally pretty version of 2ne1, but with less standing out members. They have just debuted, we will see which direction they will take. Besides that, I like when there are writers with different music taste, so the site doesn't become one-dimensional. I hope you'll keep writing!

    1. Thanks! I always think it's nice to have debate and discussion

  11. Hahah everyone here so hard. Tbh im interested in them.more than twice xD

    And jisoo looks somehownlike my mom when she was 18 so.....

    Blackpink in you Areola~

  12. Okay, that's cool and all but did you really have to dedicate an entire article to this? Starting to sound like the 10pg long comments on Tumblr/allkpop.

    1. this site regularly posts Twice erotica, I don't know what you were expecting

    2. More Twice erotica. Get this trash out of here.

    3. If you don't like it don't read it :)

  13. in short "i don't like black pink song but since i like CL i should force myself to like it because i'm too dumb to chek song that i actually like"

    1. Well, no. That's not a very good summary. It's more like "I have seen YG produce good music before and so I am going to give them a chance to do it again before I completely write them off." But thank you for your contribution nonetheless!

  14. You do you, Kalliope. A bitch can be a snarky overlord and get sentimental, too. I really don't like BP's debut or their members much, but I, too, can be a 2ne1 hoe now and then. I used to think HyunA and CL were the shit. Good times.

    1. Thanks! Everybody's got an opinion, and I don't think there's any harm in expressing it (or sometimes holding on to a little optimism)

  15. BP is unworthy of 2NE1's legacy. Please, don't even compare these kiddos to 2NE1. YG thinks he could pass off BP as "2NE1's replacement", please YG, we're not that desperate. Let these girls stand on their own. That's what you have been wrong YG.

    1. I mean, *you* might not be that desperate ... just kidding. I don't want them to be 2NE1 clones either. I just want them to be better than they are now, lol

    2. We're thinking the same thing, on different angles. They need to step up their game and not rely on the 2NE1 fanbase support hype train for too long.

    3. "support from 2ne1 fanbase" yeeeeeaaaaah right now u are reaching. They are doing what they r doing & any decent BJ knows BPink are nowhere like/similar to 2ne1. their fans are genuinely new and interested in BP, NOT limited to "yg/2ne1/bb-fans".

      Lisa was famous in thailand as a bombass dancer with bambam and friends so shes got her own fanbase (non-ygstans). Jisoo has been doing CFs and acting gigs for the past 3+ yrs so shes known, Jennie did a cameo in GDs XX and rose did a duet with GD too. they reeled ppl in with the 1 dance practice last month, not everyone were ygstans. lets give them the benefit of the doubt and see how they do. so far so good.

  16. Don't listen to other people and their negativity, if I can like McDonalds you can like BlackPink

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Glad to see u actually have a soul to accompany your writing talent. BTW: nothing wrong w/having a sweet spot in the psyche for the one(s) who brought u to KPOP. I have mine, as we know! My amorta will not die for them. It's a good thing to honor puppy love, man. It defines our humanity & helps us move on. I prefer McDonald's to this SHIT (and to Twice BTW). But I won't use the "B" word out of respect for the grieving.

  19. I don't see anything delusional about this. You admit that 2NE1 isn't what they used to and that Teddy is nowhere near what he used to be in terms of producing hit after hit. It's not like you were all "They're the new 2NE1 therefore I like them. 2NE1 is flawless and anyone who thinks Teddy's production is shitty now is just a H8ER!!!!" You were honest, just not in a harsh, blunt way. I feel compelled to write my own positive nostalgia article just to piss off more people because some of the comments here are fucking hilarious in the same way religious-extremist feel the need to condemn those to hell who doesn't believe in the exact same thing they do.

    1. Haha thanks! You should do it, some of these comments are hilarious. The only one that hurt me was the person who said I should go write for AKP. That's just cold.

  20. LOLing at the hypocritical comments. They're not that much different than the delusional fangirls they're condemning if they can't even respect other people's opinion.

    Anyway, good for you for sticking to your beliefs. I hope BP will find their own sound. YoloSwag shit needs to GTFO and die.

  21. If you're able to piss some people off by just stating your opinion, then you're alright in my book. You do you girl. So far I personally think BLACKPINK is overrated, but that's just my opinion and I'm allowed to state it just like how you're allowed to state yours. You do you!

  22. What the fuck is this shit.

  23. hey you can like whomever you want, preferences are never wrong

  24. 2NE1 is one of my favorite kpop team. They are beautiful and their songs are very good. If you are a fan like me, I'd recommend fandomsky fan club to you, and, I believe you will love the club !

  25. Don't listen to them kalliope. I listen to seventeen because they remind me of suju u era.

  26. i like the old yoloswegs that hearken back to the era of old 2ne1 too buddy, ;_;

  27. Not a fan of BP, but boy do I love Lisa.


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