Monday, September 12, 2016

Is Irene Even Real?

With the Russian Roulette promotions, I question whether Irene is an actual human or not.

Good lord. I didn't think I could ever say Irene looks hotter, but these Russian Roulette promotions will be a god send.

(For the rest of the month, expect posts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I may still post on the weekends when I'm home, but we'll see. I'm in the middle of working bad hours out of town and trying to find a new job at the same.)


  1. EWWWW, grandma trying to act like a teenager.

  2. I'm not the only one who finds her yes, pretty, but as *stunning* as everyone makes her out to be, right? I mean, when I look at that gif, I only blandly think "ah, she's pretty."

    1. You're never the only one in this world, my friend. I, personally, find her stunning as a lot of people makes her out to be but you are entitled to your own opinion.

  3. The only women I'll go lesbo over are Sana and Irene. Wait for our threesome.

    1. Adding Momo would make it even better.

    2. I can only do 2 girls at a time. Sorry to disappoint.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Shyrene - Toppest of autistic sexbots.

  6. That's why only the strong can leave the SM dungeon.

  7. I don't get why she gets so much attention, she's rather plain and average looking. But again SM already marked Krystal and Yoona as "godesses" so I'm not suprised. And being prettiest in RV was not so hard to achieve

  8. tl;dr
    My comment was about how "want any more you are dreaming." makes absolutely no sense to me and I have no clue what you were trying to say.

  9. Why do so many Australians suck at proper spelling and grammar? lol


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