Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sulli goes to the beach, sees Red Velvet surfing in on a wave of salty tears

So recently some netizens with no lives decided to go into bitter detective mode and deduce that Sulli enjoyed a nice time at the beach with her boyfriend. And there are some details after the jump.

Beyond all reason, they seem to be outraged by this, as if she had committed some kind of crime and was supposed to be in a period of reflection. Well, no, bitches... I believe the time off was specifically stated as being for the purpose of chilling the fuck out and escaping the stress of YOU doing nothing but psychotically stalking her and hating her for everything she does. So OF COURSE if she is going to tell you all to fuck off and then go fuck off herself. She is going to enjoy a nice day at the beach with Choiza getting some Vitamin D and picking out names for the baby.

MEANWHILE, yet somewhat related, Red Velvet released their fucking awesome debut MV:

And WOW look at all the downvotes already! Granted, they still have a lot of likes as well, but the ratios are definitely out of proportion for an SM group. And while it may have partly been from some observant Japanese viewers, Red Velvet has been getting a fair share of hate aside from just votes since they were announced.

Look, I get it. EVERYONE gets it. This was supposed to be your precious f(x) and, well, it's as obvious that this song was supposed to be for f(x) as Miss A's debut songs were supposed to be for Wonder Girls. But you know, your favs aren't always going to be what you want, and they can't be everything. So Wonder Girls couldn't sing Bad Girl, Good Girl across Asia when they were too busy failing in America, and likewise f(x) wasn't about to be singing about happiness looking like a pirate Van Helsing while burning bibles outside the rehab clinic in the red light district.

Spending all your time pissed off about f(x) is just going to make you miss out on how great Red Velvet is, and right now they seem like they're gonna be pretty great. I mean look at this shit, they even mostly avoided dancing in a box! In an SM video! Granted, this forest clearing scene might have been in a box, but we can't clearly see that. What we can see is a really fresh style both visually and musically with some cute and charismatic girls who seem like they might be able to sing. Enjoy it!


  1. I agree. f(x) did debut with LACHATA then turned it around with NU ABO so hopefully Red Velvet's next release would be a better one

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Looks like fangirls only saw similarities between RV and f(x) in the number of members. That'd be like Exo replacing SHINee rather than SuJu. The song was pretty catchy and the MV was colorful, so I'm looking forward to more.

  4. the song is catchy,visuals are nice and wendy is fine

  5. Even though I totally appreciate the no box dancing, I am disappointed by this video. It's my own shortcoming, however. My dance-ability expectations were too high before watching.

  6. Thank goodness for hair dye because these girls look too damn similar for me to tell apart at first glance. But I like this song. The jungle themed parts of the video reminded me of T-ara's yayaya so I had to pause it and go to my happy place.

    1. Amen to color coding and HD resolution! At first, I thought SM had created a group with four Tae-yeon clones. Mmmmm, Tae-yeon sandwich....

      Love the MV, the song, and the four hotties/cuties.

  7. My theory is this, SM had originally planned to have a full drawn out debut quite similar to EXO in 2015 with 93131241423425656 teasers. But once Sulli got cyber-bullied, stopping f(x) promotions, SM realized that f(x) fans would be extremely sensitive at this point and it would be a perfect time for some media play. So they rushed out RV's debut in order to get f(x) fans to hate them so they could go on social media telling all fellow k-pop fans to go and dislike the video in hopes that it would encourage SM to disband the group because as everyone knows, SM Entertainment always listens to their precious fans, just like when TVXQ! split up and Hungarian or whatever his name was got kicked the fuck out of SuJu. This is truly a masterpiece of Media Play right here.
    That's just my theory however. I'm probably completely wrong.

    1. I don't think this debut was rushed, it didn't look rushed to me. The announcement had pretty bad timing though, so of course everyone's going to think it was because of f(x). Personally I think SM knew this was going to happen with Sulli quite a while ago. Plus the way she was half assing performances right from the get go screamed "I'm only doing this because I made a deal with the company, get me the fuck out of here!"

      I figured they didn't do the 50,000 teasers this time like Exo because that shit is expensive. A lot of people thought all the teasers were annoying too iirc.

  8. It's really nice to not have that one girl that's glaring ugly compared to the others(looking at you Hyogre and Manber).

    I actually liked the video. I expected to hate it from the teaser, but I was happy to see SM let them out of the box a bit and even used some different camera angles for once! The theme was surprisingly eye catching and colorful.

    Not even mad about f(x). Though I liked Sulli and Victoria, they're just not in it anymore, that's obvious, and that's okay. I get it. Krystal is my favorite and is really popular so I'm sure she'll do well on her own(or with Jessica fingers crossed).

  9. Best MV from SM and in 2014 so far!!! I have never watched a kpop video that works so well with acid!!! Fuck yeahh!!! Happpeenisss!!

  10. My ears and my penis are happy mission accomplished happenis

  11. Lol Ara and Frankenstein's daughter both left HELLOVENUS

    1. Ara is Frankenstein's daughter. I'll probably write an article about it (fashionably late as usual) because I'm happy with the decision.

    2. Damned, I love HV.

      Give me back Yoon-jo, take Na-ra please.

      As long as whatever comes after has Yoo-young and Alice, it'll have my attention.

  12. I really would like to know which fuckface used those WW2 newspapers as background. Knowing Korea, he probably even got a medal for it.

    The video is really well done and the song's ok.

    The girls are all pretty, but THEY ALL LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME !

    1. regarding the last point, that's not unusual with groups at the beginning. you focus on the group's identity as a whole, then once they're known you can start to establish identities.

    2. I don't think that's true, as apparent by groups like Crayon Pop or Hello Venus, and still think they all look the same. More than any other new group in recent memory.

    3. it's not a universal constant. it's just less of a priority at the beginning. I'm thinking of things like BAP going all blond, or SNSD/A Pink/Crayon Pop etc all wearing the exact same outfit

      Gee first got me into KPop, I didn't have a fucking clue who was who and it didnt matter. it's the same here

    4. I am not talking about their outfits, I am talking about their faces.

    5. yeah i know that when you first get into a group that it can be hard to tell certain members apart from one another but these girls really all look like versions of each other, i would be so lost without the hair-coding

  13. I loved Red Velvet! I like the fact that SM didn't go with some safe and boring concept for them, like they do to their boy bands. The Bollywood style dancing alone sold me. I loved the epilepsy inducing visuals. The song is pretty good, but I wouldn't lie that it's my favorite.
    I'm giving a year for the paranoid fans to calm down, until then they're going to get hate just for daring to exist.

  14. FINALLY we got a GOOD kpop video! I rikey rikey the song until the horrid, redoundant "shine on me" part, but still one of my favourite this year so far

  15. Love this song and love Wendy. Stanning this group "tbh". "lbr" y'all, Red Velvet "slays" and my "feels" are out of control.

  16. I loved the song and MV. In all honesty this and "Red Light" are breaths of fresh air for this year in k-pop which has been kind of one note most of the year. Not that I'm complaining because it's better than last year. It's just so upbeat and happy. I love it, I wonder where SM will take RV.

  17. Love the song, it was a breath of fresh air after all shit SM has put us thru this year. As per usual an SM group is gonna start off with hate until a year later everyones up thier asses, so i have no worries.

    As for the Mv problem, who ever spotted those news papers have sharp eyes cuz i literally said no word while watching the mv. It was different than the usual SM mv so I'll give it props.

    And lastly i wanna know what dickhead edited this mv, wth we're they thinking? Knowing Korea tho no ones gonna care.

    1. korea hates japan. so if anyone's gonna rage it's gonna be the japanese otaku.

  18. Really dislike this song. If this was meant for f(x), then f(x) dodged a bullet as far as I'm concerned.

    I wish I liked it more so I could annoy people by sticking up for this group's music but sadly I don't. I'll just have to stick up for Wendy's tits instead.

  19. The song is horrendous. Still, I hope SM gives Red Velvet fans an official name within a month or so of their debut, just because it would make F(x) fans livid.

  20. The song is bad and the video is kind of stupid but they will be wildly successful with this debut.

    f(x) fans got screwed over by Sulli and SM, not Red Velvet and SM. The video still deserves a dislike for the 9/11 thing though.


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