Monday, December 29, 2014

SONAMOO Debuts, Fangirls Moo Their Discontent

Call me @ 1-800-IDONTGIVEAFUCK
As another exciting year in Kpop comes to a close we should all pause and reflect on what a year it's been...


Of course Kpop never rests, nor does a fangirl's ability to get butt-broiled about the most mundane things, in this case colors.

Nugu-girl-group Sonamoo just debuted with their song 'Deja-vu' but the fangirl anus clenching has already surpassed that of a neutron star. On the 27th, it was revealed that their fan colors would be sapphire green. Of course, as you know, a certain other group already has that color... You didn't know that? Oh, right, you're not a retarded bitch fangirl, but that's actually Shinee's color.

Look at it. It's shit no one cares about.
The very notion of colors being a thing for fanbases is retarded to begin with to anyone with even a half functioning brain, but leave it to fangirls to get super salty about it.

I mean it's like OK... They're going to promote and may or may not be successful, but either way you'll still have your panties in a bunch over a color.

"I only have 5% brain function and even I think this is stupid." 

The anal anguish hasn't stopped with retard Shinee fans, however. Big Bang fans have also felt a clenching in their butts as Sonamoo said that Big Bang is their role model.

The news was greeted with such truly witty comments as:

That's right. Even complimenting another group is seen as an attack by dumb fangirls.

Every time someone debuts it's the same shit. Sonamoo just made the mistake of riling up a particularly annoying fanbase. In conclusion:


  1. Funny how on onehallyu, there was this post saying how Shawols were the most peaceful and sane fandom in kpop

    1. Everything on onehallyu is a lie.

    2. Oh, please. You wouldn't know how sensitive this issue is to Shawols. Do you even know what SHINee themselves said about the color and how important it was to them? Please, just don't speak unless you really know about something. Imagine yourself being in one of the two groups performing in the same concert and seeing two groups of the same color lightsticks but not knowing which is your fandom. I've been in this fandom since SHINee debuted, so I know very well that most of us don't start on anything unless it's something that would harm our idols or hurt their feelings.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. And if "Namoo" means tree and it's green, why didn't they use the green color? Why choosing a green color that has a touch of blue? I just, bye.
      I'm a Shawol who likes Sonamoo and I just feel weird right now. I just hope this will be solved asap.

    5. @RYAN: Omg, YES. We've got a live one here!

  2. These fangirls are mad that I would tongue the assholes of all the girls in Sonamoo and none of their (the fangirls') assholes.

    1. I would go gay for all of the girls in Sonamoo but I most definitely ain't going gay for any of these fangirls.

  3. "the fangirl anus clenching has already surpassed that of a neutron star" - You have a way with words.

    If you asked me what "sapphire green" looked like, I'd have had no idea what that is.
    The song is not really my thing.

    1. Maybe they should have gone with wenge. I don't know what wenge looks like, but it as sure doesn't look like crazy fanbitch green.

      Also, they say several times "danger" but wash no sexy car windows? I'm disappoint.

  4. Man, here I was smiling that some rookie girls are looking up to Big Bang as role models (inc. drug and towel scandals) but I can't believe people are so butt-blasted about it...

    1. role model = bias = want to bang
      nugu skanks + want to bang / big bang = THREAT TO OPPARS MUST BE ELIMINATED

    2. can't argue with that mathematical proof

      so much for sunbaes taking care of their dongsaengs

  5. All girl groups shit on every boy band ever existed in kpop. What really pisses me off when boy band fangirls whine about girl groups having no variety and always being sexy when boy bands do the same shitty concept consistently: trying to look like they have balls and "rap". Then they bitch about girls who do sexy concepts being too "skinny" or not "confident" like STFU. None of your oppars are muscular enough or manly enough to be rapping or taking off their shirts.

    1. Thank god for saying something i had been thinking for years. Also, girl groups at least try to get a different sound and situation for the concept, not the same fucking i'm a gangster or i'm the most sensible boy thing.

    2. I like to say that girl bands are on a whole different level than boy bands

    3. Yes as a straight female myself, I'd also say that I'm one of the more typical hardcore feminists from tumblr that are super annoying but are needed to bonk the delusional heads of people who shame women who do anything sexy or cute because its "degrading to women'.

  6. So is the kpop colors thing similar to team colors for sports? And do pop groups in other countries have colours?

    1. That is exactly what it is, except fandoms can't comprehend the limitations of the rainbow. Really they need to just go full-on with the reflection of the sports scene and accept similar colors so long as there is a different logo and mascot, yet even allow the same one if it's in different divisions or genders.

  7. Wtf? SHINee's color isn't even full on green, it's “aqua" and looks nothing like that. Sonamoo means pine tree in Korean therefore they're using GREEN as their color.

    I'm sick of fangirls and their bullshit. They bitch and moan about girl groups being wither cute or sexy and when somebody like debuts like Sonamoo that changes the game, they find some reason to complain about it. I just want to tell them to just shut the fuck up, this is one of the greatest k-pop girl debuts ever and they have the nerve to get butthurt over it.

  8. BAHAHAHA this whole situation is funny, thier song and concept is too try hardish for me .

  9. Oh yeah, imagine a fan going to a group with the same green colored shirts and then suddenly realizing nobody else is Sonamoo fan, but SHinee fans...How are they going to tell apart from each other? Worse, what if somebody's a fan of both groups? How are they gonna pick their shirt? green or green? this is a disaster.

  10. I thought that SHINEe had some much worse name for a colour like Pearlescent Sky Blue Sapphire Fores Green v3.1

  11. I thought it would mention Babyz because they're pretty butthurt too

  12. Here I was thinking SHINee's fan colour was sky blue.

  13. If I had a dollar for every butthurt fangirl. really, I would love to pay just to smack them in the face

  14. Next year someone should just debut with the entire RGB color palate. Then watch kpop implode .


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